And a few sons once that MARDI GRAS 2003 documentary hitGodspeed on the Freaknik doc Hulu BUT STAY THE FUKK AWAY FROM MARDI-GRAS 2001-2005
A breh got a family and daughters now
A lot of dudes should be nervous too. There were countless sexual assaults filmed back then. Maybe the law will be able to review some of these tapes and identify some of these a$$holes.
I wonder if they gloss over the countless accounts of sexual assault and rape by the deviants doing too much.
Honestly, there really didn't need to be a Doc about that shyt at all. They're either going to frame black men as predators or black women as hoes. Maybe even both.
One attendee told The Post at the conclusion of the festival that he had witnessed five guys raping a girl: “I saw someone push this girl into the mosh pit, a very skinny girl, maybe 90 to 100 pounds. Then a couple of the guys started taking her clothes off. … They pulled her pants down and they were violating her, and they were passing her back and forth. There were five guys that were raping this girl and having sex with her.”
The magazine interviewed a medical worker who saw a female concert-goer get pulled into a mosh pit by several men, one of whom she said raped her. The medical worker said he saw five other women assaulted in similar fashion.
“It’s hard to see it as anything other than just a complete devaluation of women and a likely hatred,” Callahan says. “Again, coming on the tail end of a decade, a punctuation mark for Generation X. It just sort of felt like, ‘Who are these people? Who are they? Are they … they’re us? This is our cohort? This is a significant part of the male cohort at the end of the ’90s?’ It felt kind of unbelievable.”
No one has a right to privacy in public.And you know this how exactly?
maybe some key interviews.... but they not ID'ing and following up with everyone in a decades old tape collection, or the folks in the background
if fukking 20+ years ago ruins a marriage then it was already ruined. yal wild
me too gonna be all over this
Ghosts of hoeness pastWhen you deleted your hoeness but there was a backup save
"i've been to several"
The hypocrisy that is about to be exposed is going to be greater than The Rapture when it arrives.........
She putting herself on blast.. is she dumb?