xanax is a life saver. Cant sleep? xanax. Panic attack? xanax. want a small high? xanax. Cant get it up? slip xanax in that bytches drink
Honestly I don't suggest anyone develop a benzo addiction but if you can take it as prescribed it's probably the greatest thing ever. Presentation, take a (IMPORTANT "a" means ONE) xanax. Oh a long flight? Take one or two and order one drink on the plane. Girlfriend wants to watch some dumb movie? Take a xanax and smoke a little
Want to get fukked up? Grab some xanax, wait woah there guy not bars we're not dying here. Your favorite liquor to take shots of, get that...now drop the xanax in the drink, swoosh it around, take. Enjoy the "mask and da glock" (no homo).