Breh&Breh Associates™
I’m sure he meant the mental health facility. Where else would he be?@Luken was on the coli telling y’all you had to check in if you went to Scarborough
I’m sure he meant the mental health facility. Where else would he be?@Luken was on the coli telling y’all you had to check in if you went to Scarborough
Be pretty wild if the whole lambogate fiasco actually motivated breh to succeed in life, and one day he actually returns with a gta style endgame save house with millions in the bank and a garage full of luxury cars including like 6 actual lambos on some
Only for the coli to look him and his concrete evidence in the eye with the
Breh just chilling on top of the world all unable to ever fully enjoy the fruits of his laborous supervillain origin story grind because he lost any and all credibility with a forum full of complete strangers.
Supermodels telling him in foreign accents to shut off the computer and come to bed and breh is just having it all but still somehow being dead inside. All because he wanted to try to stunt under false pretenses on the
all of his threads are retroactive classics