What are u trying to tell me
yep. whom are east african as I stated and also whom everyone split from. Thats why out of the africans they look like a mixture of all.Pure Cushytic and Nilo-Saharan people maybe but highly debatable.
More than likely, modern spread from Khartoum in Sudan to the Horn and West Africa simultaneously during the Wet Sahara. Bantus obviously come later.
actually that's old as fukk. I'm talking before 1980s.another platinum thread cause dummies wanna argue that Arab is a race. Lemme solve this lil' fiasco you dumb fukks are having in one sentence. There are THREE races: Asians, blacks, AND whites. All other LABELS fall under one of the three. This is proven by human movement and isolation throughout human history.
to these stupid fukks talkin about "He aint white, he's Arabic" because he has a car tarp wrapped around his head.
yep. whom are east african as I stated and also whom everyone split from. Thats why out of the africans they look like a mixture of all.
I know they're not but I was talking continental. Not tribal. No need to get that deep when the point was Somali features.East Africans aren't monolithic.
Horners claiming Nilo-Saharan accomplishments comes off as delusional.
If you google Somalians, you can see they have features that are distinct to them
on the other hand Afar people look fresh as fukk
East Africans are funny looking to me and sort of repulsive. The big foreheads, bulging eyes, veins in the forehead, dark circles around the eyes are off-putting. They are just too outside of the norm of what I'm used to and when I see them they remind me too much of Arabs who I'm also not fond of. I know DC, Columbus, Minneapolis, a city in Maine that I don't remember, Seattle has loads of them and for those reasons I wouldn't live in these places. Just don't feel comfortable being around them because I just aint used to them. I prefer the company of my fellow Black Americans and that is what I'm used to. Their language (accent) and food just seems weird to me, can't get with them at all.
fukk somalis dusty nikkasits somali and the majority of somalis do not have admixture, we know who does and doesnt because of our clan system.