Notice, as in EVERY one of our conversations, you'll now embark in a constant series of goalpost shifts in order to avoid admitting that your original claim was wrong.
Other than being easily manipulated by Fox News, what made you believe that all those homes are for the "transient homeless community"? I just told you that the majority of the rooms are family units, not single-occupancy.
Going to the actual link, it appears to be a typical affordable housing development for low-income families, low-income seniors, and SOME people transitioning out of homelessness (about 40% of the total units), and there will be 3 case managers working on-site full-time with that community.
Your easily manipulated outrage is especially funny in this case because if you'd ever been to Santa Monica, you'd know that its most popular retail district has ALWAYS been full of homeless people. It's called 3rd Street Promenade and there's always been homeless people and buskers all over that street going at least as far back as the 1990s when I was a teenager. So the idea that commercial retailers would avoid lucrative Santa Monica real estate covered with tourists ready to spend money just because a few dozen formerly homeless people carefully managed by case workers happen to be somewhere upstairs looks especially ignorant.