1st off, Sony always used numbers and units sold as a bar for quality and impact. Don't switch up now.
2nd, The PS5 is living off of the PS4 and have no generation-exclusive games for it yet. It will be like that until Mid-2023, the earliest due to delays all over the place due to COVID.
3rd, The Switch is not trash of a console/handheld. What console can you carry around and play the games, when you are on a vacation or chilling at the workplace during your break? I finished a lot of JRPGs and adventure games by being outside the house with the Switch, than to force myself to go home early and upload a clunky flat screen TV and barely squeeze a few hours of it. Yeah, Nintendo isn't a graphics whore company like Sony that alienates their Japanese homebase to compete against M$ X Box and high end visuals in games, that have no replayability outside of online play, and Nintendo demonstrated that quality games can last the test of time.
Like I said, the console race where graphics is king, and quality gameplay comes in 2nd, isn't a model that the industry can hold on to, for much longer. If Japan got off of it, as the native homeland of Sony, Nintendo, and a ton of 3rd party companies, why would you abandon that for fickle American audiences.