I'm down

since my stroke last year I had not had the motivation to get back in the Hip Hop hustla spirit but last week it finally hit me and I started working on new projects...and lo and behold I got something I'm to ready launch NEXT WEEK
@Art Barr get ready to work with your boy! it's on now
To hear about that.
Wishing you well.
Glad you still have the drive you always showcased. As you have a drive. Plus supremely brave. Plus the wherewithal to take critique publically.
that needs to be contagious for us.
We all have gifts to help each other.
If we put it together.
We should be able to do produce.
in a small investment large reward manner.
Plus showcase workflows amoung us.
to make the younger people here a higher quality draw.
We are older.
Time to pass it on.
As I see the younger gen have such a diluted pool to draw from. As the misappropriation of hiphop. Has ruined the importance of hiphop. Where hiphop history is a compass and barometer to what is dope in direction.
If more people knew.
hiphop being a prohibitive prescient based culture.
for impoverished urban intellectual artist for survival.
It would not be marketed.
with gangsta rap's myopic misappropriation style lead foot forward.
The issue is getting the mores and norms socially.
to attach to the consumer to help the consumer.
Art Barr
If my responses are slow.
I am using my devices sparingly.
The power is out out here.
I help people that are homeless if I know them. Sohh I just gave away all my portable chargers. To help a fellow man.
who just started a job and was homeless.
So I will choose my responses wisely
till they fix this dark ages southern bullshyt.
Art Barr
Now I know to buy one of those hand crank chargers and a solar powered USB chargers.
I been putting off for a decade now.
At least I got a car battery backup.
Except I was going to use that battery back to jump my vette today.
So just a setback..
Where I have learned.
A setback is only one step away from a solution.
Stay up, y'all.
Art Barr