To extend on what
@onlylno said...
the panel posted is from the recently released Wonder Woman: Earth One Graphic novel. The novel, written by legendary comic writer Grant Morrison, is basically an attempted reboot/modern rehaul of Wonder Woman so that new readers can jump on board without having to know decades of continuity. The Earth One Wonder Woman doesnt replace the "main" Wonder Woman who also has a comic book title called "Wonder Woman" thats still being published; but once again is intended as more of modern reboot.
A few of the big changes among others with this reboot is that:
1. Steve Trevor, WWomans long time love interest, is now Black.
2. Grant Morrison was going to tie in more of Wonder Womans history with BDSM
(long story short:back in the 40s, Wonder Womans creator William Marston was really big on accepting submission and dominance as a means to gain a greater understanding of the human psyche. These themes heavily played in part in alot of Wonder Womans early imagery and is even the source of inspiration behind her iconic "Lasso of Truth" which "compels whoever is BOUND in it to tell the truth").