Software Development and Programming Careers (Official Discussion Thread)

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
Yeah I'm done with IT/Programming... This shyt is a never ending process, forever changing, overrun by Indians, cacs and Chinese, barely any black people, and these jobs have the most unrealistic qualifications and requirements. And to top it off most entry level positions are less than what I can make driving trucks. I can't afford to waste anymore time.

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
Yeah I'm done with IT/Programming... This shyt is a never ending process, forever changing, overrun by Indians, cacs and Chinese, barely any black people, and these jobs have the most unrealistic qualifications and requirements. And to top it off most entry level positions are less than what I can make driving trucks. I can't afford to waste anymore time.
hang in there breh :mjcry:

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
hang in there breh :mjcry:

Idk man... I been trying. Idk how brehs do it. Just when I finally understand some shyt, some more stuff gets thrown my way and I'm lost again. I've been at it for 2 years and it's always the same feeling of inadequacy. Like the more I know, the more I don't know. This (and I'm sure other STEM fields) feels like I'll never reach a point where I can just master shyt or at least be 80-90% comfortable with it all. I do a lot of research. It seems like no one ever truly masters anything in programming. Even guys 10+ years in say there's a lot they don't know.

I blame a lot of these articles and salary sites, etc for overhyping Programming and Software Engineering. They all say things like "Python Developers make 100k average" , "Java Developers make xxxx" , "C++ makes x amount" but what they DON'T tell you is "oh by the way, you'll have to learn at least 3 or 4 of these languages if you ever want a job." That and you still gotta know some cloud computing, networking, or systems admin. Plus you gotta know some JavaScript and Typescript and React and jQuery, and [add random library/framework here]. Then when you're finished learning all that and have years of experience working with each of these things you can apply for a job that you won't even be considered for cuz an Indian, Chinese or cac will take it. This field wants you to be a jack of all trades, but a jack of all trades is a master of none.

I just don't wanna waste any time if this is going nowhere. In other fields, you finish training and get started right away whether as an apprentice or entry-level whatever... seems like even with all training and practice considered it's an uphill battle in the IT/programming world. At the end of the day I just wanna good paying job where I can live good and eventually start up my own businesses and work for myself. If anything I'll just make money elsewhere and have freelance programmers work for me and create some shyt.

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
Idk man... I been trying. Idk how brehs do it. Just when I finally understand some shyt, some more stuff gets thrown my way and I'm lost again. I've been at it for 2 years and it's always the same feeling of inadequacy. Like the more I know, the more I don't know. This (and I'm sure other STEM fields) feels like I'll never reach a point where I can just master shyt or at least be 80-90% comfortable with it all. I do a lot of research. It seems like no one ever truly masters anything in programming. Even guys 10+ years in say there's a lot they don't know.

I blame a lot of these articles and salary sites, etc for overhyping Programming and Software Engineering. They all say things like "Python Developers make 100k average" , "Java Developers make xxxx" , "C++ makes x amount" but what they DON'T tell you is "oh by the way, you'll have to learn at least 3 or 4 of these languages if you ever want a job." That and you still gotta know some cloud computing, networking, or systems admin. Plus you gotta know some JavaScript and Typescript and React and jQuery, and [add random library/framework here]. Then when you're finished learning all that and have years of experience working with each of these things you can apply for a job that you won't even be considered for cuz an Indian, Chinese or cac will take it. This field wants you to be a jack of all trades, but a jack of all trades is a master of none.

I just don't wanna waste any time if this is going nowhere. In other fields, you finish training and get started right away whether as an apprentice or entry-level whatever... seems like even with all training and practice considered it's an uphill battle in the IT/programming world. At the end of the day I just wanna good paying job where I can live good and eventually start up my own businesses and work for myself. If anything I'll just make money elsewhere and have freelance programmers work for me and create some shyt.
those job requirements are always an employer's wishlist. None of their current employees have 100% of their requirements. They know this too. All they care about is how many check boxes you can tick and how willing are you to keep learning on the job and pick up on other things you dont know yet. Thats the upside of this field, you get to be paid while learning to master a tool/language on the job and then take that skill with you to a new job. Just apply to whatever post you feel is interesting to you. The interview is where they get to see who has the most potential to be worth being payed by them.

It is true, however, that if you're black they will undermine your skillset on paper until they see you in action. This is because of the historic believe by cacs that black people arernt as sharp when it comes to computers and critical thinking. What they dont realise is that it is because most black people are just never exposed to these things early enough like them so we only have much less time to be proficient in the same things as them. Take any black person vs white who start from the same point with equal resources and drive, then I can guarantee you their skillset will be more or less identical by the time they get a job. Im willing to bet the black guy will be slighly more skilled because he knows he will have to be better than his peers to even get the same amount of respect.

I say keep up with your goal. You can find means to have a side hustle so you wont grow frustrated while u wait for your big break.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
@YBG613 I'm trying breh... I just recently found interest in C# and Microsoft themselves have their courses/tutorials on it so I'm just getting my feet wet with it.. time will tell...

I definitely salute you brehs in here that stick with this programming stuff. I'm sure I'm not the only one who went through this fight or flight stage during the learning process.

Obreh Winfrey

Truly Brehthtaking
Nov 18, 2016
@YBG613 I'm trying breh... I just recently found interest in C# and Microsoft themselves have their courses/tutorials on it so I'm just getting my feet wet with it.. time will tell...

I definitely salute you brehs in here that stick with this programming stuff. I'm sure I'm not the only one who went through this fight or flight stage during the learning process.
Honestly breh, worry less about the laundry list of items in job requisitions, and even less about what people who have time in do or do not know. Starting off with programming you need to focus on the concepts and get comfortable with that. Next you can move on to learning a framework or technology. Find stuff you find fun and latch onto that. Some of these days are a drag and you don't want to get locked into technology you hate working with because somebody said you should learn it.


Oct 22, 2015
Pure JS. It just hasn't clicked yet. Or just when I think it does, something or some code contradicts the stuff I just learned. I'll do these quizzes and challenges and it's like some of these questions just defy logic. IDK ..

So anyways, I took a step back from JS and Web Developing and looked into the C# course (on Sololearn) and it makes waaay more sense and things "click" more for me. I'm trying to figure out why is that, being as the general consensus is that JavaScript is easier to learn for newbies :jbhmm:

Edit: idk maybe it's the local/global variables that make it difficult to grasp with JS

Could be because of the verbosity and fairly rigid structure of C#. For some people, like me, that's easier to grasp.

Learning Type Script has made Javascript bearable to work with. It's a little bit more advanced. It's a wrapper around Javascript that gives it that rigid structure.


The Villain
Nov 18, 2016
College Park, GA
I be lurking this thread.

I work in the SEO field but I’m concentrating this year on coding. Leaving my job in January/February to go travel ...freelance and train in MMA and focus on coding. When I come back to the US I know I need to land a developer job before and work for a couple years before I can truly freelance and be “comfortable”.

Learning Python - Django then some JS and React. More freelance jobs with these skills.

Plan on taking some statistics and math classes too since I plan on working with a lot of data. I'm horrible at math but fukk it Ima challenge myself, I was kicked out college on a bullshyt political science major :russ:Once I’m decent and comfortable I wanna start studying on Solidity/ Smart Contracts

I can’t do this 9-5 shyt especially when I’m not learning anything valuable. Thinking about doing a little website and YouTube channel of me traveling, coding, fighting and volunteering in different countries. Not tryna make money off it just to motivate folk and show the path I’m taking.
:salute:To my bruddas in this field.
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I am STEM.
Nov 25, 2016
Yeah I'm done with IT/Programming... This shyt is a never ending process, forever changing, overrun by Indians, cacs and Chinese, barely any black people, and these jobs have the most unrealistic qualifications and requirements. And to top it off most entry level positions are less than what I can make driving trucks. I can't afford to waste anymore time.
You’re about short term instead of long term

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
You’re about short term instead of long term

I am... I guess I just get frustrated AF at times. I'm gonna avoid this thread and just do monthly post updates. I really don't care to go back to driving trucks either, feel like I'm more valuable than that..I've come too far to turn back around.