Secure Da Bag
Has anyone taken any of the LinkedIn programming tests? If so, how was it?
For the little badge or whatever? I did the java one a couple weeks ago. It wasn't anything difficult, maybe a few questions that might make you think for a few.Has anyone taken any of the LinkedIn programming tests? If so, how was it?
How so?front end development can be so nasty these days
For the little badge or whatever? I did the java one a couple weeks ago. It wasn't anything difficult, maybe a few questions that might make you think for a few.
Certainly won't hurt. It'll separate the people who know of Java from the people who actually know it. I also took a JSON and Maven one as well. If that had Docker and Kubernetes I would have taken them as well.Figured it might help with job finding.
IE 10 if you have to support it... Companies that decide to make everything ngrx/rxjs... or try to do crazy things with webpackHow so?
You ever finished PerScholas?
export default class Repository {
constructor() {
if( Repository.instance instanceof Repository ) {
return Repository.instance ;
this.state = {
counter: 0
} ;
this.subscribers = [] ;
Object.freeze( this.counter ) ;
Object.freeze( this ) ;
Repository.instance = this ;
addSubscriber( component ) {
this.subscribers.push( component ) ;
notifySubscribers() {
this.subscribers.forEach( (value) => {
value.forceUpdate() ;
get(key) {
return this.state[key] ;
incrementCounter( n = 1 ) {
this.notifySubscribers() ;
this.state.counter += n ;
return this.state.counter ;
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Repository from '../Repository'
export default class CounterDisplay extends Component {
constructor(props) {
super(props) ;
this.s = new Repository() ;
this.s.addSubscriber( this ) ;
console.log( this.s.get( 'counter') ) ;
render() {
return (
Current Counter: {this.s.get( 'counter')}
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Repository from '../Repository'
export default class CounterButton extends Component {
constructor(props) {
super(props) ;
this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this) ;
this.s = new Repository() ;
onSubmit(e) {
this.s.incrementCounter() ;
console.log( this.s ) ;
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.onSubmit}>Press Me!</button>
My shyt is easier imo.
Even this well known youtuber has trouble explaining this overcomplicated shyt. No human can understand the first 5 minutes of this
I'm probably shooting myself in the foot by avoiding redux (seems just as important as react) but I wrote my own state manager using a singleton class. I feel that the whole redux/flux architecture is convoluted bullshyt.
Code:export default class Repository { constructor() { if( Repository.instance instanceof Repository ) { return Repository.instance ; } this.state = { counter: 0 } ; this.subscribers = [] ; Object.freeze( this.counter ) ; Object.freeze( this ) ; Repository.instance = this ; } addSubscriber( component ) { this.subscribers.push( component ) ; } notifySubscribers() { this.subscribers.forEach( (value) => { value.forceUpdate() ; }) } get(key) { return this.state[key] ; } incrementCounter( n = 1 ) { this.notifySubscribers() ; this.state.counter += n ; return this.state.counter ; } }
Code:import React, { Component } from 'react' import Repository from '../Repository' export default class CounterDisplay extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) ; this.s = new Repository() ; this.s.addSubscriber( this ) ; console.log( this.s.get( 'counter') ) ; } render() { return ( <div> <h1> Current Counter: {this.s.get( 'counter')} </h1> </div> ) } }
Code:import React, { Component } from 'react' import Repository from '../Repository' export default class CounterButton extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) ; this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this) ; this.s = new Repository() ; } onSubmit(e) { this.s.incrementCounter() ; console.log( this.s ) ; } render() { return ( <div> <button onClick={this.onSubmit}>Press Me!</button> </div> ) } }
Motherfukk this shyt
My shyt is easier imo.
Even this well known youtuber has trouble explaining this overcomplicated shyt. No human can understand the first 5 minutes of this
Redux is hot garbage- too much boilerplate, over-engineered. Try using the context API.
Randomly came across this suggestion and I've been binging his videos at work. I'm halfway through his journey but breh decided to get a second job so that he could double his salary from $100k to $200K and flip the excess in real estateYeah I like Traversy Media, i also follow CodingPhase,TheRealCasadaro,RealToughCandy,JulioCodes,BlackNightCoding,and a few others.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
#include <tuple>
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
namespace intelligence {
const unsigned CHARCODE_BEGIN = 97 ;
const unsigned CHARCODE_END = 122 ;
class Chromosome {
std::vector<char> _genes ;
public :
Chromosome(): _genes{} {}
Chromosome( unsigned short geneSize ) {
for( int i = 0 ; i < geneSize ; i++ )
_genes.push_back( CHARCODE_BEGIN + rand() % (CHARCODE_END-CHARCODE_BEGIN+1) ) ;
float calculateFitness( const std::string& target ) {
float fitnessScore = 0.0f ;
for( int i = 0 ; i < _genes.size() ; i++ ) {
if( _genes[i] == target[i] )
fitnessScore++ ;
return pow( fitnessScore / target.length(), 2 ) ;
//return fitnessScore / target.length() ;
Chromosome crossover( const Chromosome& other ) {
Chromosome child ;
std::vector<char> newGenes ;
int midPoint = rand() % other.size() ;
for( int i = 0 ; i < this->size() ; i++ ) {
if( i > midPoint )
newGenes.push_back( other.getGene( i ) ) ;
newGenes.push_back( this->_genes[i] ) ;
child.setGenes( newGenes ) ;
return child ;
void mutate( float mutationRate ) {
std::replace_if( _genes.begin(), _genes.end(), [mutationRate]( char unused ) {
return ( ((rand() % 100) * 0.01f) < mutationRate ) ;
void setGenes( const std::vector<char> genes ) {
_genes = genes ;
std::vector<char> getGenes() const{ return _genes ; }
char getGene( int idx ) const{ return _genes[idx] ; }
unsigned int size() const{ return _genes.size() ; }
} ;
class Population {
std::vector<Chromosome> _population ;
unsigned short _generation ;
unsigned short _mutationRate ;
std::string _target ;
public :
Population( unsigned short popSize, const std::string target, unsigned short mutationRate ): _target(target),
_mutationRate(mutationRate), _generation(0) {
for( int i = 0 ; i < popSize ; i++ )
_population.push_back( Chromosome( target.length() ) ) ;
void acceptReject() {
std::vector<Chromosome> newPopulation ;
unsigned short maxFitness = getHighestFitnessScore() ;
for( unsigned int i = 0 ; newPopulation.size() < _population.size() ; i++ ) {
Chromosome parentA = _population[ rand() % _population.size() ] ;
Chromosome parentB = _population[ rand() % _population.size() ] ;
float randomScore = 0.01f + (rand() % maxFitness) * 0.01f ;
float parentAScore = parentA.calculateFitness( _target ) ;
float parentBScore = parentB.calculateFitness( _target ) ;
if( (parentAScore > randomScore) && (parentBScore > randomScore) ) {
Chromosome child = parentA.crossover( parentB ) ;
child.mutate( _mutationRate ) ;
newPopulation.push_back( child ) ;
_population = newPopulation ;
_generation++ ;
void run() {
float bestScore = 0.0f ;
std::cout << "Target: " << _target << '\n' ;
while( bestScore < 1.0f ) {
std::tuple<std::string, float> info ;
info = getHighestFitness() ;
bestScore = std::get<1>(info) ;
std::cout << "Generation: " << _generation << "; Best Guess: " << std::get<0>(info) << "; Best Score: " << bestScore*100 << "%\n" ;
acceptReject() ;
unsigned getHighestFitnessScore() {
float highest = 0.0f ;
for( auto itr : _population ) {
float fitnessScore = itr.calculateFitness( _target ) ;
if( fitnessScore > highest )
highest = fitnessScore ;
return unsigned(highest * 100) ;
std::tuple<std::string, float> getHighestFitness() {
std::vector<char> highestString ;
float highestScore = 0.0f ;
for( auto itr : _population ) {
float fitnessScore = itr.calculateFitness( _target ) ;
if( fitnessScore > highestScore ) {
highestScore = fitnessScore ;
highestString = itr.getGenes() ;
std::string s( highestString.begin(), highestString.end() ) ;
return std::make_tuple( s, highestScore ) ;
} ;
void printGenes( const std::vector<char>& genes ) {
for( auto itr: genes )
std::cout << itr ;
std::cout << '\n' ;
int main() {
srand( time(NULL) ) ;
std::string target ;
std::cout << "Enter Target Phrase: " ;
std::getline( std::cin, target ) ;
intelligence::Population p( 1500, target, 0.05f ) ; ;