bill riser
The internet is hell bent on infantaluzing wome and their sexual choices.
Keep thr age anf change genders and not a single soul bats an eye

I'm getting some serious wheel of fortune vibes from this.

The internet is hell bent on infantaluzing wome and their sexual choices.
Keep thr age anf change genders and not a single soul bats an eye
Dummyhad to pass on one last week.
she was prolly about 18-20 in age. her body looked about 25-30 and she was rockin some chit, but her vibes were that of an innocent 14-16 year old girl hanging with the reject crowd. she had the "im corny" style of braids too.
she was grilling hard too. had me pitching tents a mile high.i should get a medal of honor or something.
Breh, you really gotta work on your grammar or typing skills.
I'm getting some serious wheel of fortune vibes from this.