So You Want To Go Back To Africa? Here Is Your Chance :sa1:


May 6, 2012
‘We Want Asylum In Africa’ – African Americans

July 8, 2015

An African American Group on Facebook called We Want To Go Home , have started a petition on appealing to African Heads of State to grant them asylum in Africa. Below are excerpts from the petition: Africans Americans – are experiencing what can only be called neo-slavery on the land that our ancestors were forced to build. We experience daily, relentless attacks by the police, suffer high rates of incarceration due largely to discriminatory laws and sentencing, not to mention economic, health, and employment disparities for no other reason than being Black in America. One can only turn on the news to see the treatment that we are receiving in the United States, and it is only getting worse. We are writing to request that any and all African nations consider granting us asylum within your borders We are ready to return home. We hope you will accept us. #WeWantToGoHome As many as 842 people have signed this petition, to reach 1000 signatories the petitioners require 148 more signatures.

Below are some comments from the singatories:

I support repatriation to African nations as an option for Black Americans, who are a subjugated internal colony in the United States.

Corie Moment LAKE WALES, FL
I have never felt or been treated as if I belong in the U.S. Please give us Dual Citizenship!!

Brien Redmon ROCK HILL, MO
It is clear that we will never be able to live peacefully in America. There have always been systems in place to prevent us from prospering and thriving. People to destroy what we build to obstruct our growth. We are constantly bombarded with ignorant individuals telling us to leave, yet lift no fingers to support those actions.
I’m tired of fighting to be recognized by people who don’t have their own house in order. Of living in a system that constantly and relentlessly oppresses me and then tells me to get over it. That terrorizes me and kills me but tells me not to lash out. I cannot remedy the hypocrisy, so I believe leaving is the best course of action. The only other option is to fight violence with violence, and I believe it would be a tactical failure on our end.

To sign this petition go to African Governments: Please Give Asylum to African Americans

Lets see how many of you are about that, just know that commodities are slumping for the foreseeable future, but much luck to ya :sas2:
If we were going there to get manufacturing poppin it would be glorious.
Jun 18, 2015
From personal experience,

People better begin understanding that majority (not all) African immigrants carry the belief that they are above African-Americans. so all that "We want to go back home" talk is retarded. for 1, it isn't your home if you weren't born there. 2, you don't know shyt about African culture - you are an American and have been raised in American culture. 3, fukk you starting a petition for? just work, save up ya duckets and dip to Africa.

people be faking on social media.

:dead: at Africans thinking they're better than ANYBODY

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
They not willing to give up that U.S. Citizenship though lol, these nikkas are not ready for the culture shock and limited rights they will have on that continent. That freedom of speech shyt ain't flying over there.

Exactly, lol We are at a stage where we need business partners, AAs built America, so while Modern AAs and Modern Africans are literal cousins and technically both ancestral Parents built Africa AND America, we are too deep in the game to be on some run and hide ish, and we are at a critical stage where if we aren't building Globally we will be looking at another 500 yrs of injustice and economic rape. Once Black folks build globally THEN we can have our Global Family reunion.


Woke Dreamer
Dec 23, 2014
:dead: at Africans thinking they're better than ANYBODY

You missing the point breh. it's not that they think this, it's that African-American's don't know this is how they're thinking. as one user mentioned, people like those in the OP FB mention think that they're going to hit the Motherland and automatically receive praise it definitely doesn't work like that. in fact they just had a recent incident in which one African nation started a conflict with immigrants from a neighboring country that flooded theirs in order to maximize on the economic potential because they worked for cheaper wages.

Yea, America is fukked up but it's our nation just as much as it's anyone else's. moving to another country to learn or expand one's life experiences is one thing, but to think your country problems is any worse than another nations is insanity. they killing dudes out in the open streets in alot of these foreign nations African-Americans be wanting to flee to. instead of running, let's make this shyt better. you able to move ya entire family? what about ya friends, just "fukk them" and leave them in a situation you deem dangerous? doesn't sound like a loyal family member or friend to me lol.