So yesterday I was at the airport, and I saw a plane frozen in the sky not moving.

Apr 3, 2014
We were driving up, and brehs, the plane was just frozen in the sky. :mjtf:

I just happened to look up and see it and I hit the :dwillhuh:

I was frozen just staring at it until my OG who was in the car with me was like "that plane ain't moving! :wtf:"

That kinda snapped me out of it, and then I grabbed my phone to record it but :snoop: I was trying not to take my eyes off of it while at the same time hitting the record button. And when I looked at my phone after it started moving again, I hadn't even hit the record button.

Had me like :dahell: cause I remembered this thread where we talked about this a few months ago ( and I made fun of idiots who were believing this mess, but I legit saw it. I know there's a scientific explanation for it, but to actually be on the ground witnessing it was insane.

My explanation for it is that the plane was turning and from the angle it was visible to me from where I was on the ground, it produced the "not moving" visual phenomenon.

At least, that's what I hope it was. :dahell: :lupe:

I will NEVER make fun of people for not recording UFO's or other crazy events again, because I know folks are gonna make fun of me for not having a video, but it was just so insane that I was literally frozen staring at it. The last thing that pops into your head is recording something when you see something that looks like it's defying the laws of physics right before your very eyes.

I was in literal shock. I was staring up like :mjtf:

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Do you know if you were in an area near a military base or where a lot of military activity near by?

I actually saw this a month or so ago. It looked like one of those transport military planes. We watched it just frozen in the air for a good 5 mins and then left. When we came back that way it was gone. It looked similar to this.

I assumed it was like an inflatable and it's probably military equipment. They actually use inflatable equipment to fool the enemy and I live in an area with a lot of military near by.

There are reports from the Ukraine for example of them deploying inflatable equipment that looks like the real thing and it's fooling Russians to hit it with artillery thinking it's an actual target.

They also did this famously during ww2 with ghost armies.

If there are a lot of people around the country reporting this, I wonder if it's a military operation to maybe fool another country who is maybe watching our military movements such as China or they may be doing a test of some sort.
Apr 3, 2014
@Dr. Acula I wasn't near any military bases.

I'm assuming that the plane was just turning and from the angle I was standing, it produced that visual illusion.

At least that's what I hope it is... cause it was legit spooky to look up and see a plane just frozen in the sky. And it was JUST like the videos that people were posting a few months back. The plane was just sitting there for about 30 to 40 seconds and then it started moving again.

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Me and @Orbital-Fetus was clowning folks in the og thread that talked about this. I was going in on folks. But I saw it with my own two eyes.

I troll sometimes but I'm not trolling about this.
Real talk bruh every now and then out my bedroom window i see some weird blue and red light casting shyt just hovering way out in the distance. Idk if its some weird experimental helicopter/drone they testing, an alien ship....ive shown my wife and brother so we have ruled out drug fueled hallucination. Im lowkey scared to record it though. Dont wanna risk the off chance of putting a target on our backs. :whoa:

Probably some stupid innocent explanation. Some legit alien or government craft probably gone be a lot more discreet.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Me and @Orbital-Fetus was clowning folks in the og thread that talked about this. I was going in on folks. But I saw it with my own two eyes.

I troll sometimes but I'm not trolling about this.

Don't try to tie me into this.
Word to the the Afghan wing riders.


May 17, 2013
That's interesting! It might seem like the plane was "frozen" in the sky, but that's probably not what was actually happening. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Optical illusion: Planes can sometimes appear to be stationary when they're flying directly towards or away from your vantage point. This is similar to how a car coming straight at you on the road can seem to be moving slowly until it passes you.
  2. High altitude: Planes flying at a high altitude can appear to be moving very slowly or not at all, especially if they are far away. This is due to the vastness of the sky and the distance between you and the plane.
  3. Wind speed: The wind speed at the altitude the airplane is flying can also give the illusion that it's not moving. If the plane is flying into a strong headwind, it may appear to be stationary, even though it's actually making progress.
Remember, these are all optical illusions. Planes need to keep moving to stay in the air. The lift that keeps a plane in the air is generated by its forward motion. Without forward motion, a plane would fall out of the sky.