Maybe it's me, but I always thought the average WWE midcarder/main-eventer (i.e. the nikkas who make regular appearances on Raw/SD) made a few hundred thou a year......WWE is the big leagues, after all. So this figure doesn't surprise me. It's not like the average midcarder is making 50 thou and Miz is somehow in the top tier with that 800 thou. nikkas like Cena and Orton are past the fukkin' MILLION mark.....hell, maybe even past TWO million in Cena's case
Miz, like it or not, is one of the better-known wrestlers in WWE. He's a familiar name. He's not like Epico, Bo Dallas and Titus O'Neil. He's not a jobber who's just....there. He's a well-known WWE wrestler who is AT LEAST on the level of nikkas like Mark Henry, Sheamus and Kofi Kingston, in terms of popularity and overall value to the company
Talk about his actual skills all you want; that has little to do with it. He's a former WWE champ who main-evented WrestleMania (from what I've read, that event alone is a HUGE payday for whoever gets to wrestle a match) and he's doing crappy movies for the company as well as a lot of good PR work for them. He's an ex-reality TV star who was famous before even joining the 'E. I can see why Vince would give him that kind of money