Mike, or The Miz as he's better known, is undoubtedly the most successful of all "Real World" stars. It was clear from the get-go The Miz was going to be a star. Throughout the season, he constantly took on the form of what would become his professional wrestling alter-ego to entertain (and annoy) not only everyone in the house but viewers. But it was more than his ability to play The Miz that made him stand out. Even when he was in screaming matches with his finger-pointing housemate Coral, you didn't hate him. It was that charm that took him to the final round of the WWE reality competition "Tough Enough." He lost, but that appearance was the start of his professional career. In 2006, he made his official WWE appearance as The Miz and in 2010 he won the WWE championship. According to a 2011 article on Bleacher Report, The Miz now pulls in about $800,000 per year.