There is a reason why they've been around way longer than your favorite franchise
Every single Zelda game has been piff
The reason they been around is because nintendo keeps making them, no other reason. Nobody asked for a bunch of NEW SUPER MARIO BROS
It was a cool idea, but to remake it this many times is just lazy on nintendo's part.
LOL at you believing even half of those games will release in 2013. You must not know how Nintendo does things.
Its funny how its easy to see that with nintendo, but when it comes to sony who does this way more often. nikkaz fall for it everytime
that japanese nikka promised to release it all this year
emulators is for broke nikkas tho
Zelda fell off?

tell me why it stays the most anticipated game of the year everytime it's announced.
Luigi dropped one rushed game 10 years ago, I swear some nikkas hate just to hate
Zelda has NEVER done well in terms of sales oddly enough. Yes, NEVER.
I know, its a shocker, but is fact.
"Zelda" and "Metroid" fell off according to who? The fukk?
If you're counting that wack ass "Other: M" game that don't count.
Other M was not wack, I don't know wtf you talkin about there whoodi

But Metroid as a franchise fell off once it became a FPS
I played it, and while its still a good game. Its not Metroid. And Metroid hasn't returned since (except for Other M which was good imo, but of course not on par with old skool hence why Metroid fell off)
I was bout to list my wiiU on ebay... but if all those are coming this year

Ill just keep it at least till e3
Nah bruh.. sell that Wii now. Then when these games finally do come out. And if they are not total bullshyt, you can rebuy a wii-u for much cheaper by then
I'd say only keep yours for modsquad purposes. Cuz when that levy breaks?
The OG system will be the first to

And maybe the only ones who can even eat certain foods