So who won the Wednesday Night War?

Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
There is too much pandering going on on both sides so let's go down the list here.

The biggest thing I'm seeing is the issue that Swagger is featured as a monster. He is a legit 6'6 amateur wrestler turned MMA fighter THIS IS HOW YOU BOOK SOMEONE LIKE THAT. He can legit take most people on both rosters. There is no problem with this. Vince's booking of him aside he is at the very least legit. And considering John Morrison just resigned with WWE who was another booking failure of Vince it's quite hypocritical to judge.

NXT was never a boring product. Sure the Takeover shows are better than the weekly show but that is how you build to those shows. Its storytelling and different than RAW and Smackdown who book like its universe mode on the WWE game.

The moment NXT went to USA they stopped being developmental. They are looked at as a third tier main roster brand. Evolve has been WWE's developmental system for years low key btw.

And finally, there is no war here. AEW is an alternative right now nothing more. This week's ratings only matter to AEW as it's their first show. If they win, great. If they dont, they reassess quarter hour at a time and see what to fix. But for now the only winners are the fans who are enjoying themselves. I didnt watch NXT but both shows seem like they put on a great show. Have your favorites but also give credit where it's due.

But it's still fukk WWE for bringing back Hoegan


Homeboy Runny-Ray

From Around The Way
May 2, 2012
Classic Niccas
:mjtf: Not developmental. The natural progression of a WWE superstar is. Get signed to NXT and develop in the system. Then they get a shot on NXT television. Then they get called up to the main roster. That's how it has always worked and no matter what HHH said, until they develop a pattern of keeping it on par with Raw and Smackdown it is still developmental. Just like you said they branded it as a developmental territory and that's what it will be until they establish it. They've tried to brand Smackdown as some type of A show for years and that never stuck. I don't have much confidence in them making NXT on par with Raw or Smackdown unless AEW kicks their ass in the ratings. Then they'll use that show to go head to head with them and try to draw viewers.

oh okay.

the way youre saying it tho, gives off the impression that you think its really a developmental territory.

so yea, we're on the same page. I made a thread a couple months ago saying that they need to cut that chit out before it backfires.

I think theyre moving away from that tho. the first step was finn balor officially returning to NXT, after already winning the universal title on raw.