So.....which one of you ladies can FIGHT?!?!?


In a New York world full of strangers..
Dec 25, 2014
NY 2 Trinidad
One of my personal favorites is when I was 21, my godbrothers baby mom was popping shyt about me but wouldn't say it to my face!:russ: So I walk up to her because she was talking about my daughter who was a newborn at the time. She kept saying "Why she put those clothes on her?" "Your baby look stupid!" :dahell: I stepped to her and pulled her card, she throws all my daughters bottles in the toilet! The fukking toilet!!!!:camby:I waited until she stepped out of the crib. (My godmother told me no fighting in her house.) Told her ass to put her baby on the side because I don't hurt kids. She refused, my other homegirl grabbed the baby and I proceeded to A-town stomp the shyt out of her while the whole hood watched.:russ: I grabbed her by the neck and kicked her shyt talking behind up and down the block. My step father drives by "Ellesse, stop beating that girl like that!" "Stop Ellesse Stop!" while laughing his ass off. She didn't fukk with me again but she said something about my mom, who died from cancer in 04 to my brother not realizing that we were siblings. He put a video up on Facebook of her dirty ass underwear and mentioned her.:russ::russ::russ: