Never before had a single fan summed up exactly how i felt so well. Miz girl >>>>>
what everyone is forgetting is the Vince McMahon factor
Vince has been shytting on Bryan weekly, and HHH alluded to Vince being mad if Cena chooses who he thinks..
it's almost the SAME concept from a couple years back when CM Punk was wrestling Cena and threatening to leave with the title, a MITB holder waiting in the wings, and Johnny Ace playing the role of Vince.
If it ends similar, I'll go crazy, but if Cener wins because Vince screws Bryan over some type of way, I won't be mad. Just don't lose clean man, please.
Coke Boy might flip the script & have one of the Bella twins run out and pull a AJ and get D-Bry disqualified. Cole/Lawler/JBL will play it up like they don't know which Bella it was that fukked it all up. Leaded to some diva's reality show "beef" between Cena & D-Bry
One thing is fo' sure is that you cant have DB lose clean to Cena whatsoever.
I think the safe bet would be to have DB beat cena in a close match and then have Orton cash in and leave the bldg. with the title.
And yeah that Vince shyt was brought up for a reason..he's gonna get mixed in the promos as a buffer and apparently some kind of roadblock against Bryan.
Nah..the Vince thing was introduced to fukk with the match. Something is up....they don't throw that kind of shyt in your face for no reason. Another deal where Cena has it easy and the challenger goes through the fukking ringer yet again.
I think they might go the HBK/HHH route in defense of Bryan, there were talks about that.
I can see Vince just totally shytting on him for being small, the beard, the vegan and not being a "star".
Then you have HBK tell Vince how he was all those things, this might not take place for SS but maybe in the future.
I defintely see the Orton turn coming as a big possibility, with DB beating Cena and Orton turning to ultimate heel level heat.