Read the comments, wheres the outrage, everybody cracking jokes
this nikka have a powerful a voice... in the black community, as long as u make money u can run shyt. This guy have a following, a voice and the power to influence. shyt is disgusting. look @ this...a fukking infant with gold teeth, doing nikka speak, picking her nose...sadly this sums up how the world see us. As subhuman degenerates.
How the fukk are we ever going to survive when this guy is the voice of the youth. were fukked, and nikkas don't understand they're already preparing to threw us into concentration camps...martial law is coming to black america...its already happening on a smaller scale. these police shootings, mass incarceration, abortions are just the slow plan...and of course nikkas don't care but soon they're gonna push the button and just go all the way. They're gonna do it to all Americans eventually but were gonna be first. Look at Ferguson, that was just an experiment . In Chiraq they already got blacksites, where they illegally interrogate nikkas
Its already happened to other people in history, look @ nazi Germany, and history always repeats itself. I don't think black america understand the hell that's on the way if we don't wake up and change our ways. America no longer needs us. Hispanics are the new low wage labor class. They see us as a nuisance that they just cant exterminate in plain sight so that's why they do it slowly. We have no economic based, because we believe in equality...even tho equality never existed at anytime in human history . wheres the proof equality ever existed? it don't. what would happen if a deer walked in front of a pack of lions?
How the fukk are we going survive the future? we don't own nothing? education and critical thinking isn't cool ....and the worst part, nikkas actually believe in a system that obviously never was meant to work for us....Ignorance is bliss I guess...but nikkas better wake up and start facing reality, stop being punks