a label is a business, if your business posted a loss in profit or a major loss, you can report those losses and pay less taxable income, if you can show proof, for example, if i sign bow wow, invest 100,000 into his album and his album only recoups 56,000, then the difference is non taxable because i took a loss.
I always thought it was just another way of saying a nikka is wack
a label is a business, if your business posted a loss in profit or a major loss, you can report those losses and pay less taxable income, if you can show proof, for example, if i sign bow wow, invest 100,000 into his album and his album only recoups 56,000, then the difference is non taxable because i took a loss.
wouldn't the loss + the drop in tax money paid cancels each other out?
a label is a business, if your business posted a loss in profit or a major loss, you can report those losses and pay less taxable income, if you can show proof, for example, if i sign bow wow, invest 100,000 into his album and his album only recoups 56,000, then the difference is non taxable because i took a loss.