Non-WWE feds are great, WWE is watered down and boring outside of a couple instances. Smack down has nosedived with Roaddogg clearly taking the reigns from Ward, and Raw has had a solid yet still forgettable couple of weeks. If it’s not Braun, Usos, AJ, Naomi, Miz, and a couple others, I’m just not all that interested. Rusev and English got themselves over, then got taken off tv for like 3 weeks. The WWE simply isn’t a can’t miss show anymore. You can miss 6 weeks of episodes, pop back in and you’re guaranteed to see something you’ve seen 14 times already. I’ll continue to say I feel sorry for anyone that is solely a Raw/SD viewer.
Haven’t seen Impact in weeks though, and I catch 205 live matches when somebody says there’s a good match