Except her story is currently, she works two part-time jobs. She has a college degree but hasn't put it to use for over a decade. She lives in a poor neighborhood because she spent too much money and put too much on credit. She lost her job and ended getting a job in car sales, which didn't bring in a lot of income, but she bought a new car anyway while deep in debt. On top of that, she bought a car that was from a different dealership so she didn't get any employee discount. Her car was a ricer that she got from the divorce. Classic ricer car that was worth a lot. I advised my wife that she sell it herself to get the most out it. But no, she trades it in. It's like, you work in car sales. Don't you know your trade in is worth almost $0 and they pump up the sale price so the trade-in is basically negated? That car payment put her in even more debt. Why a new car instead of new car. I don't know. Eventually, the banks foreclosed on her condo and she filed for bankruptcy but she paid off her new car debt instead of paying her mortgage and trying to get out of debt. Oh yeah, I earn tens of thousands of dollars more than her but she drives a nicer car than me. I have no debt on my cars. I buy used cars with no loan. Interest to banks is money down the drain.
She recently paid off a car repair bill in the hundreds. Where she gets her money? I have no clue. She is dumb and poor.
She's going on a vacation soon to attend a wedding. Flight to Vegas and hotel. Where does she get that money? I have no idea.
Seriously, she's getting cash from somewhere because there's no way it's all coming from her part-time jobs. If it is selling drugs, I hope she gets busted by the cops.
Her brother is paying for her cell phone bill. I don't know why he does that. He should just let her pay for her own cell bill.
Abusive single-mother ratchet ho crap. She treats her son like garbage and blames him for all her problems. Her point of view is like "it's his fault that her life is down the drain because if she didn't have him, her life would have been better". But in reality, she's a moron and she would have ruined her life anyway even if her son wasn't born.
Flabby Jabba The Hutt b*tch-azz ho.
Rant done.