so we sleepin on Zoe Kravitz?

Feb 14, 2014
Jasmine's career fell off despite her being so talented. I think Lisa Bonet's no longer wanted the fame. But Jasmine Guy who could sing, act and dance.

Yeah, in retrospect it seem like Jasmine would've had much more success than she did, because as you said, she could act, sing and dance

With the music she only put out one album. I'm guessing she just wanted to pay more attention to the acting and that's why she stopped doing music
Tho, she did do Broadway too.
Movies she was doing her thing too; Harlem Nights and School Daze

It seem like after a Different World she just never found another show that really worked for her and where she could have the chance to really have a lead role like she did on A Different World; because she was on a lot different shows in the 90's.