Some of those ufo got things in them that eat humans..... those that know what I'm talking about

Some of those ufo got things in them that eat humans..... those that know what I'm talking about
UFO/Aliens being real , completely nullifies religion and any beast talk.They are on our side. Unless of course you have altered your dna with that vaccine,aka the mark of the beast.
It's mostly been driven by "To The Stars", an entertainment company run by the former frontman of Blink-182 that has run a publicity campaign to juice public interest in UFOs in order to sell merchandize, TV shows, and stock in his company. Almost every "big name" figure you see promoting the UFO stuff on tv is either an employee or an investor in "To The Stars"something very strange is going on with all the ufo news releases
it it isn't the military, its supernatural not extra terrestrial
Behind all these revelations, all of this renewed popular interest and government declassification, there was one primary mover: To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a for-profit company advised by Mellon, employing Elizondo, and run by co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Tom DeLonge, who was better known as the lead singer of the pop-punk band Blink-182 until the group’s conscious uncoupling in 2015.
The New York Times reported over the weekend that former Sen. Harry Reid was “primarily responsible” for funding a secret federal program under which the Pentagon investigated UFO reports. The taxpayer money to pay for the endeavor was funneled through so-called black budgets to an “aerospace research company run by a billionaire entrepreneur and longtime friend of Mr. Reid’s,” the paper revealed.
The billionaire is Robert Bigelow, a major UNLV donor who has long shown an interest in UFOs and other paranormal phenomena. Back in 1997, his donation led to UNLV creating the Bigelow Chair of Consciousness Studies.
“I’m not embarrassed or ashamed or sorry I got this thing going,” Mr. Reid told the Times. “I think it’s one of the good things I did in my congressional service. I’ve done something no one has done before.”
And all while helping out a friend with someone else’s money. What a guy.
The Times found that the government spent $22 million on the program between 2008 and 2011. “The funding went to Mr. Bigelow’s company, Bigelow Aerospace, which hired subcontractors and solicited research” for the effort, according to the Times.
we are using human measurements, but the theory is that they are bending gravity. we just dont understand how. it would take so much energy and radiation. so they are either spirits or they are aliens that have discovered elements that we havent. to us its 700gs, but to the 'thing' in the vehicle its probably nothing. thats why they call them UFOs, unidentifiable. we just dont know how.I still think it’s US tech. Yes I believe aliens exist but consider the fact that if they exist they aren’t in our galaxy. Which means they would need to travel at light year speed to reach us.
A few clarifications on OP:
Every time that "Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense" speaks, it should be noted that he's been associated with "To The Stars" from the beginning and remains a major investor and stockholder in the company. It's in his strong financial interest to promote this UFO stuff.
How much financial interest? Well, To The Stars reported a $37 million deficit two years ago due to the giant stock options they had passed out to their advisers and employees. So potentially a LOT of financial interest.
And the "100 to 1000 years ahead of us" claim wasn't made by the government or even anyone who understands technology, it was made by a fukking cop who handled security on the ship. He knows literally nothing about the subject. Anyone who knows anything about technology knows that someone saying some fuzzy dot on a screen is "100 to 1000 years ahead of us" is completely talking out their ass.
And guess what? That guy has been paid by To The Stars to do appearances as well.
So, we've literally seen none of that nor has the government claimed that. Those are just the claims of Luis Elizondo, yet another "To The Stars" employee, who makes those claims with literally zero evidence for them cause he stands to make a LOT of money off pushing this UFO stuff.
Tom DeLonge’s UFO Organization Has a $37.4 Million Deficit
Actually, as the videos in the thread show you can also say it's just regular drones and aircraft with occasional observer error or people misreading sensor data. Anyone who comments without watching the videos and reading these two links is doing themselves a disservice.
Explained: New Navy UFO Videos
Adversary Drones Are Spying On The U.S. And The Pentagon Acts Like They're UFOs
Those won’t touch UFO but on another note dikk Gregory spoke on US governments lasersActually we do
Navy: New laser weapon works, ready for action - CNN
Can they outrun the speed of light?
Breh are you serious? You believe the vaccine is the mark of the beast?
UFO/Aliens being real , completely nullifies religion and any beast talk.