I like Punk in a lot of ways but....yeah.
I was never that into his pipe bomb promo. It was exciting, but only because he broke the fourth wall and mentioned a bit of smark-happy stuff. I look at that promo as the equivalent of Foley leaping off the cell...exciting, but a bit of a cheap way to gain notoriety.
He said in a recent interview that it was the highlight of career, which makes me shake my head. The reason Austin's 316 is so revered is because it served as an early springboard to a memorable career that he would go on to have. If he just floundered after that, the promo would mean nothing. But with his highlight reel of great moments, the promo is revered in retrospect.
Punk seems to be riding off the promo alone, as if it by itself means anything. Without going on to do great things, which in my opinion, he didn't...then the promo means nothing.
Don't get me wrong, he's a solid upper card, really talented guy. He's just not the revolutionary, change the business type of guy like Rock/Austin/Hogan were.