I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
I can see thatRonda ain't leavin' after Mania... that was a rumor that died within a week. End of the day, people will only care that Becky won, who she pins/taps is gonna come secondary to that. But considering the storyline, she's probably gonna tap the McMahon-endorsed heel that got unfairly put into the match to 'replace' her.
well if she dont leave then I guess I can see that point, but idk it has to matter (imo) who she pins thats why wwe is going out their way to not let Rousey get pinned (if thats what happens)
I think they should have her and Ronda take charlotte out in a big table spot,then they finish the match one on one, the crowd would go crazy.. Charlotte should only be there to take the big bumps nothing more