Ronda made a logical post today saying her and Charlotte didnt main event Survivor Series so they damn sure wouldnt main event WM. LolI thought it was an obvious troll job to give Becky a white hot rub, but to my surprise people really seem to think Charlotte is apart of the match and are outraged
Maybe I’m trippin. What say you, brehs?
For once I actually think VInce is NOT out of touch for adding her as she'll also probably do most of the work in the ring.
Sasha banks will never realize she is just there to be there
She isnt gonna be champ
I disagree because one on one matches sell better than triple threat feuds. If the plan is to put Becky over then it makes more sense to put her over an undefeated Ronda who is taking time off anyway.
Becky already beat Charlotte, a win over her and protecting Ronda at this point wouldn't make much sense, it'd just place the story right back where it was many months back.
Becky ending Ronda's streak would make her "The Man"
You dont know if Ronda wont take the pin, even still if she doesnt then you have the idea for a return one on one with becky and ronda down the line.
I think she realizes it that's why she just goes through the motions in those useless tag matches. When she went one on one with Ronda she brought the old Sasha back and they had a good match.
Sasha vs. Asuka at Mania would be dope but they will NEVER do it..