Those Isiah quotes refer to the post exilic jews rejoining in the land. Also in those other verses please post what comes before and after
to get a better idea what God is talking about.
Actually, you're wrong. But If you'd like for me to break down those passages in Hebrew to prove a point, just let me know.
God is clearly racist and makes it clear who can come under him and who can't in Deuteronomy chapter 23
So God's mind works by using modern constructs created by Europeans? In this case, race? Loooooooooooool.
That Nuwaubian "logic" is something else.
Is that why the Most High healed a foreign pagan in Naaman who acknowledged him as the one true God, while cursing an actual Israelite in Gehazi for his wicked ways? (2nd Kings 5)
3 No one born of an illicit union may come into the assembly of the LORD, nor any descendant of such even to the tenth generation may come into the assembly of the LORD
Illicit union is one thing, proselytizing is another.
Especially since Ezekiel 44:9 says the following.
This is what the Sovereign LORD says: No foreigner uncircumcised in heart and flesh is to enter my sanctuary, not even the foreigners who live among the Israelites.
4. No Ammonite or Moabite may ever come into the assembly of the LORD, nor may any of their descendants even to the tenth generation come into the assembly of the LORD
And yet David's grandmother Ruth was a Moabite (Ruth 4:1-16) and he had a Moabite, Caananite and Ammonite in his army (1st Chronicles 11:39-46).
Someone is forgeting the Lord also said "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."
And he chooses who he pleases, just as Peter realized in Acts 10:34-35.
8. Do not abhor the Edomite: he is your brother. Do not abhor the Egyptian: you were a resident alien in his country.
The Idumeans/Edomites and Egyptians who joined with Israel and Judah can attest to that.
This are direct explicit statements by God in Canonical order, this is how you should post bible verses
This is everything in that chapter relating to that subject and stop at the point it goes into something else
And I also listed direct statements by God in which he accepts foreigners into his fold, while breaking down the ones you listed.
Guess you only accept what you like.
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