So Waka Flocka Gets Humbled by Da Truth


Jun 28, 2013
Those Isiah quotes refer to the post exilic jews rejoining in the land. Also in those other verses please post what comes before and after
to get a better idea what God is talking about.

Actually, you're wrong. But If you'd like for me to break down those passages in Hebrew to prove a point, just let me know.

God is clearly racist and makes it clear who can come under him and who can't in Deuteronomy chapter 23

So God's mind works by using modern constructs created by Europeans? In this case, race? Loooooooooooool.

That Nuwaubian "logic" is something else.

Is that why the Most High healed a foreign pagan in Naaman who acknowledged him as the one true God, while cursing an actual Israelite in Gehazi for his wicked ways? (2nd Kings 5)

3 No one born of an illicit union may come into the assembly of the LORD, nor any descendant of such even to the tenth generation may come into the assembly of the LORD

Illicit union is one thing, proselytizing is another.

Especially since Ezekiel 44:9 says the following.

This is what the Sovereign LORD says: No foreigner uncircumcised in heart and flesh is to enter my sanctuary, not even the foreigners who live among the Israelites.

4. No Ammonite or Moabite may ever come into the assembly of the LORD, nor may any of their descendants even to the tenth generation come into the assembly of the LORD

And yet David's grandmother Ruth was a Moabite (Ruth 4:1-16) and he had a Moabite, Caananite and Ammonite in his army (1st Chronicles 11:39-46).

Someone is forgeting the Lord also said "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."

And he chooses who he pleases, just as Peter realized in Acts 10:34-35.

8. Do not abhor the Edomite: he is your brother. Do not abhor the Egyptian: you were a resident alien in his country.


The Idumeans/Edomites and Egyptians who joined with Israel and Judah can attest to that.

This are direct explicit statements by God in Canonical order, this is how you should post bible verses
This is everything in that chapter relating to that subject and stop at the point it goes into something else

And I also listed direct statements by God in which he accepts foreigners into his fold, while breaking down the ones you listed.

Guess you only accept what you like.
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May 15, 2012
Actually, you're wrong. But If you'd like for me to break down those passages in Hebrew to prove a point, just let me know.

So God's mind works by using modern constructs created by Europeans? In this case, race? Loooooooooooool.

That Nuwaubian "logic" is something else.

Is that why the Most High healed a foreign pagan in Naaman who acknowledged him as the one true God, while cursing an actual Israelite in Gehazi for his wicked ways? (2nd Kings 5)

Illicit union is one thing, proselytizing is another.

Especially since Ezekiel 44:9 says the following.

And yet David's grandmother Ruth was a Moabite (Ruth 4:1-16) and he had a Moabite, Caananite and Ammonite in his army (1st Chronicles 11:39-46).

Someone is forgeting the Lord also said "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."

And he chooses who he pleases, just as Peter realized in Acts 10:34-35.


The Idumeans/Edomites and Egyptians who joined with Israel and Judah can attest to that.

And I also listed direct statements by God in which he accepts foreigners into his fold, while breaking down the ones you listed.

Guess you only accept what you like.

You're ignoring the fact the Israelites continued to SIN AGAINST A GOD WHICH WHY THEY ALSO GOT fukkED UP in the first place
so yes the did things God did not want them to do all the time

Yes David's mother was a Moabite, but young David as reviled by his BROTEHRS AND HIS PEOPLE, because of that.

You see you can't quote just a verse and act like you came up with some kind of point, you have to understand the WHOLE STORY

Unless you have a definitive rule God as law down like the chapter I posted you are lost.

And why are you quoting stuff from the new testament when we're talking about the old

you're all over the place, you have to read the bible in order to understand what period of time it is, and what the scenario is God is speaking on

you couldn't even explain the CHAPTER I POSTED, you had to go off on a tangent about something else

you just want to argue just for the sake of arguing, you don't want to learn anything, you know nothing about the stories of the bible


Jun 12, 2013
You're ignoring the fact the Israelites continued to SIN AGAINST A GOD WHICH WHY THEY ALSO GOT fukkED UP in the first place
so yes the did things God did not want them to do all the time

Yes David's mother was a Moabite, but young David as reviled by his BROTEHRS AND HIS PEOPLE, because of that.

You see you can't quote just a verse and act like you came up with some kind of point, you have to understand the WHOLE STORY

Unless you have a definitive rule God as law down like the chapter I posted you are lost.

And why are you quoting stuff from the new testament when we're talking about the old

you're all over the place, you have to read the bible in order to understand what period of time it is, and what the scenario is God is speaking on

you couldn't even explain the CHAPTER I POSTED, you had to go off on a tangent about something else

you just want to argue just for the sake of arguing, you don't want to learn anything, you know nothing about the stories of the bible

Sep 2, 2013
Mine and Whatever Concerns me
@Disciple of the Projects
Looks like the Most High is marking these celebrities. Hebrew Israelites get approached by DJ Paul of 3-6 Mafia.

Holy shyt this nikka needs to just go sit in his jacuzzi, relax real smooth, and just speedball the purest heroin and cocaine into his veins at once, and just go to sleep. At least that way, he goes out in glory, according to his behavior.

@Disciple of the Projects

be like...


No actually, he's being ignored.

And wicked simple, 4loko drinking nikkas like yourself don't know what the hell is going on, but you see a page full of text and videos, and you think for some reason, that has some sort of validity or credit.

Its quite simple to negate everything he says and has said within a simple 10 minute reading, but for what? You tell me why I should take time out to help nikkas like you, or refute nikkas like him? And since you're so bedazzled by a page full of text, I want a 500 word essay. If you're not doing that, go to your medicine cabinet, and eat all the pills...

Jun 24, 2012
:russ::russ::russ::russ: I'm dealing with a grade A troll

Dude forgot his argument was with the name YESHUA and Jesus, then busts out with a C&P of Yahushua, which is straight outta the Scared Name Movement's playbook.

For the record

1) There is no record of anyone ever having the name Yahushua in antiquity. Whereas Yeshua was one of the more popular names in Judea during the 1st century.
2) Zeus is pronounced Dzyooce in Koine Greek.
3) A name like Yahushua would not be rendered Ἰησοῦς (Iesous) in Koine Greek. It would be closer to Ἰαοuσοῦς (Iaousous). Iaousous does not appear anywhere in the Septuagint or New Testament.
4) Lol what kinda stupidity is that? English didn't even exist back then. Moreover, Jesus is the Latin transliteration of Iesous, which is the Koine Greek transliteration of Yeshua.

And Joshua name WAS rendered as Ἰησοῦς in the Septuagint. See for yourself.

1. There is a reason behind what was said there about the male and female pronouncing and adding letter of names. You clearly didn't get it.
2. DZyooce sounds like Zeus. D is silent. Sounds the same. Joshua and Jesus don't.
3. Laousous doesn't appear in Septuagint nor New Testament...neither does Jesus.....remember no J's existed until the English languages created it( the last letter created in the alphabet series)
4. Yeshua is Joshua, not Jesus dummy.
5. I could careless what it says there....doesn't mean translation was correct...this is why it's called transliteration. That definition means "What he meant to say is....".


Jun 28, 2013
You're ignoring the fact the Israelites continued to SIN AGAINST A GOD WHICH WHY THEY ALSO GOT fukkED UP in the first place
so yes the did things God did not want them to do all the time

Yes David's mother was a Moabite, but young David as reviled by his BROTEHRS AND HIS PEOPLE, because of that.

You see you can't quote just a verse and act like you came up with some kind of point, you have to understand the WHOLE STORY

Unless you have a definitive rule God as law down like the chapter I posted you are lost.

And why are you quoting stuff from the new testament when we're talking about the old

you're all over the place, you have to read the bible in order to understand what period of time it is, and what the scenario is God is speaking on

you couldn't even explain the CHAPTER I POSTED, you had to go off on a tangent about something else

you just want to argue just for the sake of arguing, you don't want to learn anything, you know nothing about the stories of the bible

:snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop: The irony of that last comment.

So Israel continued to sin because they accepted other nations into their tribes? Despite the lord telling them they could ACCEPT foreigners who joined with them and adhered to his rules? Looooooool

And David's GRANDMOTHER was a Moabite, Not his mother

And he was so "reviled" by his people that GOD HIMSELF chose him to be the King of Israel? :russ::russ::russ:

In fact, he chose him over his own brothers, who had the same grandmother.... and would eventually make his line the specific one from which the Messiah was to come out of..

But don't take my word for it.

1st Samuel 16

David Anointed King
1 Now the Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill your horn with oil, and go; I am sending you to Jesse the Bethlehemite. For I have provided Myself a king among his sons.”

2 And Samuel said, “How can I go? If Saul hears it, he will kill me.”

But the Lord said, “Take a heifer with you, and say, ‘I have come to sacrifice to the Lord.’ 3 Then invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you what you shall do; you shall anoint for Me the one I name to you.”

4 So Samuel did what the Lord said, and went to Bethlehem. And the elders of the town trembled at his coming, and said, “Do you come peaceably?”

5 And he said, “Peaceably; I have come to sacrifice to the Lord. Sanctify yourselves, and come with me to the sacrifice.” Then he consecrated Jesse and his sons, and invited them to the sacrifice.

6 So it was, when they came, that he looked at Eliab and said, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before Him!”

7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

8 So Jesse called Abinadab, and made him pass before Samuel. And he said, “Neither has the Lord chosen this one.” 9 Then Jesse made Shammah pass by. And he said, “Neither has the Lord chosen this one.” 10 Thus Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. And Samuel said to Jesse, “The Lord has not chosen these.” 11 And Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all the young men here?” Then he said, “There remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep.”

And Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and bring him. For we will not sit down till he comes here.” 12 So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with bright eyes, and good-looking. And the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!” 13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward.
So Samuel arose and went to Ramah.

Jeremiah 33:14-17

14 “‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah.

15 “‘In those days and at that time
I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line
he will do what is just and right in the land.
16 In those days Judah will be saved
and Jerusalem will live in safety.
This is the name by which it will be called:
The Lord Our Righteous Savior.

17 “For thus says the Lord: ‘David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel

"Utterly reviled" huh? :dead::dead::dead:

And since I apparently only use the New Testament to justify things....

Actually, you're wrong. But If you'd like for me to break down those passages in Hebrew to prove a point, just let me know.

So God's mind works by using modern constructs created by Europeans? In this case, race? Loooooooooooool.

That Nuwaubian "logic" is something else.

Is that why the Most High healed a foreign pagan in Naaman who acknowledged him as the one true God, while cursing an actual Israelite in Gehazi for his wicked ways? (2nd Kings 5)

Illicit union is one thing, proselytizing is another.

Especially since Ezekiel 44:9 says the following.

And yet David's grandmother Ruth was a Moabite (Ruth 4:1-16) and he had a Moabite, Caananite and Ammonite in his army (1st Chronicles 11:39-46).

Someone is forgetting the Lord also said "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."


The Idumeans/Edomites and Egyptians who joined with Israel and Judah can attest to that.

And I also listed direct statements by God in which he accepts foreigners into his fold, while breaking down the ones you listed.

Guess you only accept what you like.

At the end of the day, I don't expect you to accept when you're wrong. I remember ethering you in a thread months ago and even after everyone came in and said you were wrong, you still kept going. That pride is something else. It's why very few people actually respect your opinion on here.
May 15, 2012
:snoop::snoop::snoop::snoop: So they continued to sin, despite the lord telling them they could ACCEPT foreigners into their tribes who joined with them, circumcised themselves and adhered to his rules?

And David's GRANDMOTHER was a Moabite, Not his mother

And he was so "reviled" by his people that GOD HIMSELF chose him to be the King of Israel? :russ::russ::russ:

In fact, he chose him over his own brothers, who had the same grandmother.... and would eventually make his line the specific one from which the Messiah was to come out of..

But don't take my word for it.

1st Samuel 16

Jeremiah 33:14-17

"Utterly reviled" huh? :dead::dead::dead:

And since I apparently only use the New Testament to justify things....

At the end of the day, I don't expect you to accept when you're wrong. I remember ethering you in a thread months ago and even after everyone came in and said you were wrong, you still kept going. That pride is something else. It's why very few people actually respect your opinion on here.

I obviously made a typo error with his grand-mother, but I guess you have to pick up victories wherever you can, I'm not nuwaubian or whatever I never even heard of that until I posted on this forum.

But once again yes we know God chose David, David rose from humble beginnings we all know he eventually became King
but you're not telling the whole story man BECAUSE YOU HAVEN't READ IT, your just googling shyt.

nothing you say posted refutes anything I posted

when David was born, this prominent family greeted his birth with utter derision and contempt. As David describes quite literally in the psalm, “I was a stranger to my brothers, a foreigner to my mother’s sons . . . they put gall in my meal, and gave me vinegar to quench my thirst.”

David was not permitted to eat with the rest of his family, but was assigned to a separate table in the corner. He was given the task of shepherd because “they hoped that a wild beast would come and kill him while he was performing his duties, and for this reason was sent to pasture in dangerous areas full of lions and bears.

David’s father, Yishai, was the grandson of Boaz and Ruth. After several years of marriage to his wife, Nitzevet, and after having raised several virtuous children, Yishai began to entertain personal doubts about his ancestry. True, he was the leading Torah authority of his day, but his grandmother Ruth was a convert from the nation of Moab, as related in the book of Ruth.

During Ruth’s lifetime, many individuals were doubtful about the legitimacy of her marriage to Boaz. The Torah specifically forbids an Israelite to marry a Moabite convert, since this is the nation that cruelly refused the Jewish people passage through their land, or food and drink to purchase, when they wandered in the desert after being freed from Egypt.

your baseless David is Israelite blood anyway, so your arguing a moot point
The Bible is about the Bloodline of Abraham

Why don't Read the Parables and understand them first instead of just googling random verses
all you doing is causing more confusion, I don't even know what point your trying to make anymore
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Jun 28, 2013
I obviously made a typo error with his grand-mother, but I guess you have to pick up victories wherever you can, I'm not nuwaubian or whatever I never even heard of that until I posted on this forum.

But once again yes we know God chose David, David rose from humble beginnings we all know he eventually became King
but you're not telling the whole story man BECAUSE YOU HAVEN't READ IT, your just googling shyt.*

nothing you say posted refutes anything I posted

when David was born, this prominent family greeted his birth with utter derision and contempt. As David describes quite literally in the psalm, “I was a stranger to my brothers, a foreigner to my mother’s sons . . . they put gall in my meal, and gave me vinegar to quench my thirst.”

David was not permitted to eat with the rest of his family, but was assigned to a separate table in the corner. He was given the task of shepherd because “they hoped that a wild beast would come and kill him while he was performing his duties, and for this reason was sent to pasture in dangerous areas full of lions and bears.

David’s father, Yishai, was the grandson of Boaz and Ruth. After several years of marriage to his wife, Nitzevet**, and after having raised several virtuous children, Yishai began to entertain personal doubts about his ancestry. True, he was the leading Torah authority of his day, but his grandmother Ruth was a convert from the nation of Moab, as related in the book of Ruth.

During Ruth’s lifetime, many individuals were doubtful about the legitimacy of her marriage to Boaz. The Torah specifically forbids an Israelite to marry a Moabite convert, since this is the nation that cruelly refused the Jewish people passage through their land, or food and drink to purchase, when they wandered in the desert after being freed from Egypt.

your baseless


Yet, when David was born, this prominent family greeted his birth with utter derision and contempt. As David describes quite literally in the psalm, “I was a stranger to my brothers, a foreigner to my mother’s sons . . . they put gall in my meal, and gave me vinegar to quench my thirst.”

David was not permitted to eat with the rest of his family, but was assigned to a separate table in the corner. He was given the task of shepherd because “they hoped that a wild beast would come and kill him while he was performing his duties,”2 and for this reason was sent to pasture in dangerous areas full of lions and bears.3

David’s father, Yishai, was the grandson of Boaz and Ruth. After several years of marriage to his wife, Nitzevet, and after having raised several virtuous children, Yishai began to entertain personal doubts about his ancestry. True, he was the leading Torah authority of his day, but his grandmother Ruth was a convert from the nation of Moab, as related in the book of Ruth.

During Ruth’s lifetime, many individuals were doubtful about the legitimacy of her marriage to Boaz. The Torah specifically forbids an Israelite to marry a Moabite convert, since this is the nation that cruelly refused the Jewish people passage through their land, or food and drink to purchase, when they wandered in the desert after being freed from Egypt.

:mjpls: So who's Googling (and Plagiarizing) again? At least I cite my sources.

Nitzevet (Nzb'th) was a Jewish woman who was a mother of King David according to the Talmud,[1] but she is not named in the Bible.

The same Talmud or Pharisaic "Oral Teachings" which claim black skin was a curse on Ham???? Lol
The Book of Psalms (Hebrew Tehillim, תְהִלִּים, or "praises"), commonly referred to simply as Psalms, is the first book of the "Writings", the third section of the Hebrew bible.[1] The English title is from the Greek translation, "psalmoi", meaning instrumental music and, by extension, the words accompanying the music.[2] There are 150 psalms in the Jewish and Western Christian tradition (more in the Eastern Christian churches), many of them linked to the name of King David, but his authorship is not accepted by most modern Bible scholars.

Take a wild guess at who attributed authorship of the Psalms to David....
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May 15, 2012

:mjpls: So who's Googling (and Plagiarizing) again?



The same Talmud or Pharisaic "Oral Teachings" which claim black skin was a curse on Ham???? Lol

Btw, take a wild guess at who attributed authorship of the Psalms to David....

Damn you are so dense

I have no probably with you googling, but you just post up random verses that have nothing to do with one another
its impossible to respond

I posted the shyt with david just to show you in a timely manner, I notice you have nothing to say about it you just move on to start another argue about nothing else we first started

are you bored?

I proved that God is a racist with direct quotes from God
you have not found ONE verse in all your searches that says other wise
not one

Those things you highlighted the Ku Klux Klan believe too, but not when it comes to nikkaz

God is the same way to people outside of Israel

until the new testament gentiles could not be saved

I can respond so fast to because I have shyt already on deck I can drop on your head
I can do this all day at LIGHT SPEED

and even in the New Testament Jesus says he has come as the shepard for the children of Israel, he does not say the whole world
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Jun 28, 2013
Damn you are so dense

I have no probably with you googling, but you just post up random verses that have nothing to do with one another
its impossible to respond

I posted the shyt with david just to show you in a timely manner, I notice you have nothing to say about it you just move on to start another argue about nothing else we first started

are you bored?

I proved that God is a racist with direct quotes from God
you have not found ONE verse in all your searches that says other wise
not one

Those things you highlighted the Ku Klux Klan believe too, but not when it comes to nikkaz

I separated your post so I can ether you in two parts. Let's deal with this first.

1) You have no idea what you're talking about. And to prove it, you grabbed the first thing in google search that would support your argument. Didn't even bother to check it either.

2) if one is to say that the Jews and Israelites of the bible were only black, this makes the Pharisees black, since they were 100% Jews. They were also the authors of their own "oral tradition" ...teachings which other groups, such as the Sadducees and Essenes were against.

The Pharisaic teachings claim black skin was a direct result of a curse on Ham. This is proof that they obviously weren't all black, since they deemed black skin as being a punishment solely attributed to the Hamites (which we all know is a lie, since the curse was placed upon Canaan only in Genesis 9:25 and had NOTHING to do with skin color). We won't even talk about later teachings which claimed it was also a curse on Cain.

And everything I posted is impossible for you to respond to cause you don't actually read the bible.

You typically just argue for the sake of arguing. Which is funny, cause you claim that's what others who disagree with you do.
May 15, 2012
I separated your post so I can ether you in two parts. Let's deal with this first.

1) You have no idea what you're talking about. And to prove it, you grabbed the first thing in google search that would support your argument. Didn't even bother to check it either.

2) if one is to say that the Jews and Israelites of the bible were only black, this makes the Pharisees black, since they were 100% Jews. They were also the authors of their own "oral tradition" ...teachings which other groups, such as the Sadducees and Essenes were against.

The Pharisaic teachings claim black skin was a direct result of a curse on Ham. This is proof that they obviously weren't all black, since they deemed black skin as being a punishment solely attributed to the Hamites (which we all know is a lie, since the curse was placed upon Canaan only in Genesis 9:25 and had NOTHING to do with skin color). We won't even talk about later teachings which claimed it was also a curse on Cain.

And everything I posted is impossible for you to respond to cause you don't actually read the bible.

You typically just argue for the sake of arguing. Which is funny, cause you claim that's what others who disagree with you do.

Where in the bible does it say black skin is a curse

you have so much fun posting verses, why not back that up
you changing the debate again
I said God was a racist and posted proof. You can't refute what God commanded
and if could wasn't a racist why did he Hate Esau

I can go off the head with this look at the time you replied to the time I am, don't question me child, this what god has to say about skin color

do me a favor

and post these versus for me Amos 9:7
Song of Solomon 1:5

Numbers 12: 9-10

Exodus 4:6

you done ch


Jul 17, 2013
will you niccas go do this sh1t on the street and leave the internets alone...


Jun 28, 2013
God is the same way to people outside of Israel
until the new testament gentiles could not be saved
and even in the New Testament Jesus says he has come as the shepard for the children of Israel, he does not say the whole world*

Lol so who's using the New Testament to justify their arguments now? Your contradictions are amusing.

But let's use that for a moment.

*John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

We know he said he had only been sent for the lost sheep of Israel in Matthew 15:24, since he had to fulfill his claim as the prophecized Messiah of Israel first. He even told the disciples not to go onto the Gentiles in Matthew 10:5-6.

Yet even along the way, we see him healing Gentiles, such as in Matthew 15:21-28.

Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs

“Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

^He did the same thing for a Syro-Phonecian Greek woman in Mark 7:24-30. This is exactly what the lord does in a nutshell. He places an obstacle to test a person's faith. The one who truly believes will ignore the obstacle and continue pushing forward towards him. At which point he acknowledges the person and has compassion on them. Paul broke this down nicely in Romans 1:16 and 9:14-25.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,

“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”

16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’” 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?

22 What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles? 25 As he says in Hosea:

“I will call them ‘my people’ who are not my people;
and I will call her ‘my loved one’ who is not my loved one,”

Did Jesus not say there were other sheep he had to bring in who were not of the flock of the Israelites? (John 10:16). The "Hebrew-Israelites" will tell you that's talking about the 10 lost tribes of the Northern Kingdom, but let's examine that in depth shall we?

We can agree that Judah was once a part of Israel, correct? Yet even after splitting off, they still considered themselves both Israelites AND Jews (Acts 21:39, Romans 11:1). Jesus went to Tyre and Sidon to preach to the lost sheep of the Diaspora. Did he not tell the disciples not to go to the Samaritans in Matthew 10:6? Yet we see him preachings to them John 4? The differences are apparent. Even the Samaritan woman makes that very clear.

"The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” For Jews do not associate with Samaritans."

Yet he still preached to them and they believed (John 4:39-42).

After fulfilling his tasks to Israel and establishing himself as the Messiah, what did he tell the disciples in Matthew 28:18-20?

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

The whole book of Acts, Romans, Galatians, essentially the entire New Testament kills any argument you have, but Acts 2:5-10 really deads it.

And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilæans?And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judæa, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes
May 15, 2012
Lol so who's using the New Testament to justify their arguments now? Your contradictions are amusing.

But let's use that for a moment.

*John 3:16-17

We know he said he had only been sent for the lost sheep of Israel in Matthew 15:24, since he had to fulfill his claim as the prophecized Messiah of Israel first. He even told the disciples not to go onto the Gentiles in Matthew 10:5-6.

Yet even along the way, we see him healing Gentiles, such as in Matthew 15:21-28.

^He did the same thing for a Syro-Phonecian Greek woman in Mark 7:24-30. This is exactly what the lord does in a nutshell. He places an obstacle to test a person's faith. The one who truly believes will ignore the obstacle and continue pushing forward towards him. At which point he acknowledges the person and has compassion on them. Paul broke this down nicely in Romans 1:16 and 9:14-25.

Did Jesus not say there were other sheep he had to bring in who were not of the flock of the Israelites? (John 10:16). The "Hebrew-Israelites" will tell you that's talking about the 10 lost tribes of the Northern Kingdom, but let's examine that in depth shall we?

We can agree that Judah was once a part of Israel, correct? Yet even after splitting off, they still considered themselves both Israelites AND Jews (Acts 21:39, Romans 11:1). Jesus went to Tyre and Sidon to preach to the lost sheep of the Diaspora. Did he not tell the disciples not to go to the Samaritans in Matthew 10:6? Yet we see him preachings to them John 4? The differences are apparent. Even the Samaritan woman makes that very clear.

"The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” For Jews do not associate with Samaritans."

Yet he still preached to them and they believed (John 4:39-42).

After fulfilling his tasks to Israel and establishing himself as the Messiah, what did he tell the disciples in Matthew 28:18-20?

The whole book of Acts, Romans, Galatians, essentially the entire New Testament kills any argument you have, but Acts 2:5-10 really deads it.

You a really a moron I already agreed the New testament claimed the genitles could be saved, but I just pointed the fact it contradicts itself

once again your just argue for the sake of arguing I'm done with this shyt