I worked for a long time in test prep, specifically for the SAT. I don't know Vic and i've learned not to call people in this situation idiots, but he definitely has some type of learning disability or serious lack of fundamental education for him to have to take the test that many times to get a relatively low score. i've worked with a fair amount of aspiring D-1 athletes who need to improve grades and test scores to play college ball, and I can say with full confidence that while everyone has some type of intelligence that the classroom often does not cover or require, you have to be VERY lacking in VERY basic skills to need the help he (and they) got.
i agree with an inherent bias, although i'd call it socioeconomic and not cultural, but we're not talking about a glass ceiling of 1800 out of 2400 here. we're talking about relatively low scores that the ncaa honestly sets too low, if anything (if they set it higher, they'd lose millions).
again, this is not a judgment of vic, more power to a guy that didn't need formal education to achieve great success. but it is the truth. dude can't read, most likely
. and not "not read" like dexter manley, not knowing phonics and letters and shyt, but reading as in being able to comprehend, paraphrase, and respond critically.