Its easy to be great working with HBK, What great or classic matches did hall have in WCW?
is nash a better wrestler than hall?
Its easy to be great working with HBK, What great or classic matches did hall have in WCW?
Can you answer my question first?is nash a better wrestler than hall?
Can you answer my question first?
So you can't answer the question. Coolfirst of all, you deflected by basically saying razor's great work was because of HBK..instead of saying who was better in the ring.
second of all, how many matches between diesel/hbk were even close to the razor/hbk matches? ZERO
third of all, hall was in the upper mid-card essentially. so he didnt have the nash/goldberg hype match. ok. and what? when you watch every single one of their matches..probably ever...hall was a better worker. no one in the history of history has ever claimed nash to be a better wrestler than hall...AT ALL. ZERO PERCENT.
this shyt is absurd. and even when u say hall was washed out..his match vs austin was memorable and entertaining as think a nash austin match would have been better? gtfoh. all the way outta here. EVERY tag match...who outshined who? hall did most of the work...nash would come his knees in the whip corner clothesline...sidewalk slam..jackknife. the only reasonable claim in terms of wrestling is that the jackknife was more over than the razors edge and even that is was only really clearly over when they actually booked the jackknife itself as being illegal..the rest of the time it was probably a wash and razors edge in WWF is the trump card.
lastly..just watching them wrestle...who is better? seriously. i cant even comprehend this being an argument at all
Can you answer my question first?
You're all over the place guywas ultimate warrior a better in ring worker than dean malenko?
You're all over the place guy
Coolnope. youre saying memorable as the logic behind a claim that you are implying but dancing around. warrior had more memorable matches. was he a better worker than malenko?
if you are saying "great"..then find me a 5 star match with nash...he has zero, even against common opponents.
nash's most memorable was with goldberg and his best was with bret hart. the former was hyped to the moon against the top babyface, arguably in the industry..and the latter was with a top 5 technician of all time.
and yes i can probably find 100 hall matches of higher in ring quality than pretty much every nash match outside of against bret. hall, even as a big guy, worked well technically with nearly everyone. the only decent match nash had with a non heavy was against Rey and that was because of fukkery and a finisher swerve counter.
5x World Champ >>> 0x World Champ
Hall crashed HARD after 98, Nash continued to prosper for damn near 15 more years
And Scott Hall wasn't good enough to get a top "work"'s a work, man.
And Scott Hall wasn't good enough to get a top "work" run
Hell YesLet's be honest, who get's a top run is just as, if not moreso, about politics and favoritism than it is about talent and ability. There are tons of guys who can out work the top guys anyday of the week in every area that never got a run on top.
You want to say Nash had a more successful career than Hall, ok there is a point there, but to say he is BETTER in anything other than being tall... Where is your basis for that?
Right now, would you prefer to watch anything Nash related over anything Hall related?