I don't mean to troll or any disrespect but it really seems like the tweaks, mods, on rooted androids are a lot more useful..Can someone give me some apps that shows what makes a jail broken iPad,iPhone worthwhile more than just using cracked apps.
This is the true order of things:
Jailbroken iPhone > rooted Android > stock Android > stock iPhone
Understand the nature of it. Android is an open platform. As such, developers lock individual apps down. So you can root and do all kinda shyt but you can't really fukk with individual apps like that. Meanwhile, iOS is locked down from the OS side so developers feel protected. So if you jailbreak it's like a free for all. You can change anything in the UI like android plus anything within individual apps. That's why we're watching NFL and NBA in HD for free while there is no way to do that on Android. Android won't even let you make an in app purchase for those services because the developers are expecting fukkery. That alone separates the 2.
As far as what I'm doing with my phone, man, I don't even have time to explain. I have about 100 tweaks running. I altered literally every single aspect of my phone. Nothing functions as it used to.
Instead of asking what a jailbreak can do, you need to ask what you want then just do it because you can really do whatever you want.
The jailbreak isn't limited, only your imagination.