So there's females on thecoli who don't wash their legs

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
There may be some math that says this body part only needs to be washed every so many days

But what is the big fukcing deal just washing all the skin you can reach each time

I do this and I enter the shower with like 15 min to spare every morning. Meaning I spend more time just standing there under the hot water pondering wether to call in sick - than I do washing my entire outside

That way. You are definitely covered from every angle.. except one

This next thing proves that nothing on you actually needs to be scrubbed, except underarms and anus.

What about that spot on your back that you can't reach? There's has to be like a few square inches that have never been scrubbed. Yet those few square inches are fine. They haven't turned to scales or become overwhelmed with bacteria...

Still. I wash what I can touch each day. Well.. each work day. Weekends I might not wash at all unless I go somewhere.. important
......How long DO u ponder whether to call in sick breh? :ld:

I spend like 40 minutes debating that one with myself and mind u i still need time to have a good cry. Though admittedly a lot of that is done, and done best simultaneously :mjcry:

edit: and IN b4 ask @Another Man what he ponders and how long in the shower brehs :umad:
