Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
He's exactly what I read every month breh. I really think Tobey's interpretation of Peter being this holier than thou savior who rarely has a bad word to say about anyone or bad thought about anyone unless he's possessed, has informed a lot of people's perception of Peter and Spider-man if they don't read the comics or don't have a long history with him. Peter is not perfect, far from it, and he has moments of ignorance, stupidity, arrogance, cockiness and anything else because he's always learning. He never has all the answers and he often is trying to figure stuff out on the fly until he gets a plan. Yes he talks a lot of crap to a lot of his villains but that's for a reason. Yes he's snarky, he's been snarky since he walked into the Fantastic Four headquarters and told them that they NEEDED him to be on their team but then told them nevermind because the job doesn't pay.
I have to you, breh. You're in every Spider-man thread on here.
I can't even call it caping (web-pitting?). Unless you count Spider-man 2099 (mini-caping?)
Personally I get my idea of what Spider-man should be like from the comics and 'Spider-man' TAS. I understand that Garfield had all those traits you listed. He just wasn't particularly likeable.
Maybe that's down to the script but it had me watching like
'Damn. J. Jonah Jameson might have been right all these years...'