So Sony wants to nickel n dime 3cepts even harder than they did last gen (wow, I'd be furious)

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
W.L.I.M is not something new, its been going on since the PS2 days. Day one PS2 to be exact (with sony not acknowledging D.R.E. and the stans in 2013 acting like they never heard of it :laff: )
And when your being a blind fanboy, you often allow or overlook the shortcomings of the product you stan for
Xbots see it in 3cepts, 3cepts see it in xbots, Droid vs apple vs windows, everyone sees everyone else flaws but there own :manny:

ON the Xbox side, we don't really care about what goes on the PS side because we know its horrible.
Rich people don't be like "I wish there was a show called lifestyles of the poor and desperate"
And since WLIM is a way of life, these dudes have been saying how Microsoft has been nickel and diming all gen when PS3 has blu-ray... but still has DLC for all games :wtf: Lets move onto this upcoming gen and see if the trend continues or not :leon:

The PS4 will not, and does not play Music CD's :dwillhuh:
If you don't question that, your a moron. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Sony has a new music service they want you to pay for, so you can listen to all the music you already own.. via them. Offering a service in addition to is how things are usually done, but sony wants to force you into it :huhldup:

Bluetooth headsets not compatible at launch :wtf:
The system isn't even out yet, and it has bluetooth built in. So there wouldn't need to be an update for it
So thats a blatant lie. And if it wasn't (it is) then why would it take til sometime after launch for it to be applied?
The xbox had DRM's and all this stuff setup, and they are removing ALL OF IT via a day one online update.
Sony claims they gonna need several months to add something the system natively supports. Are we seeing a pattern here? Don't go "But microsoft but but" because Microsoft has nothing to do with WHY SONY IS DOING THIS. DO YOU CARE 3CEPT FANBOY? I'm TALKING TO YOU :ufdup:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
PSN on PS4 now charges for online multiplayer :whew:
According to 3cepts, this was the main reason why they claimed Microsoft was nickel and diming gamers.
This is where the excuses and passes have already come into play. Its no different than the Toys R Us ad with the racial comments. If that can get a pass, this most definitely would get one from a bunch of c00nish hens :manny: But the reason I call it nickel and diming is because why are they now charging? What has been added to PSN to make it worth the money? XBL was worth the money, I had ESPN, I had a billion other apps I'd use daily. I don't even watch videos from IGN like that anymore because on the app they all stream instantly in 1080p. On PC, theres hiccups and shyt that makes it not as easy to obtain. If there is no valid reason for why they charging, if PSN is still PSN. Then its a ripoff :hula:

Gaikai Cloud Service :huhldup:
The Xbox One has Azure which houses "Thunderhead" which is 300,000 servers dedicated to XBL
Its sole purpose is for games, from dedicated servers to cloud computing to aid how games work.
Thats what its for. Gaikai is not for any of that. Its 30,000 servers in total, and its used to stream PS1, PS2 and hopefully sometime next year PS3 games. You know, the games you already have or don't give a shyt anymore because you can run them on an emulator on your cellphone :heh: Well sony wants to CHARGE YOU to play those games again on your PS4. Sure, they removed the Emotion Engine chip from PS3 after a few months because nobody was buying PS3 games. The price of that EE chip? It was like $13 (Tru Story)
That same chip gotta be like $1 now for them to make? PS1 games was natively compatible for some reason. So they could have spent less than the cost of a happy meal to make PS1/2 games compatible with the PS4. And I'm sure PS3 games wouldn't have been hard either if thats what they wanted to do.
Gaikai is there so they can hopefully get you to pay them to play games you already own :wow:

But but But Playstaion has a cloud service tooo :sadbron: No the fukk it does not
It does, but it doesn't. Microsoft isn't charging you to use its cloud service. But they do give you UNLIMITED SPACE in the cloud. 500gb HDD that comes with the XB1? Who gives a shyt, you can store all your stuff in the cloud for free bruh. Even full games :whew: (as long as its the digital version)

I have a ton of other examples, but i'll let this thread :cook:


Feb 9, 2013
Some of your threads actually have good content but some I read and am just like


This is one of those threads

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Wall of text? No links?

No links :wtf: Bruh, people link to ME :ufdup:
Now if there is any of it, and I repeat ANY OF IT that you don't believe? Ask and I'll provide a link to a white man so you can fell better about the info :heh:
Some of your threads actually have good content but some I read and am just like


This is one of those threads
Now I know I have a great thread on my hands, because you are incapable of admitting I have a good thread. Never have you said that at the time, just in hindsight. (Tru Story)
So, what is it that you don't like. You don't consider it nickel and diming to take away CD playback?
Backwards compatibility an afterthought so they can charge you for Gaikai :heh:

Tell me bruh, cuz I seriously do not want to post up incorrect information. Please help me oh keeper of truth :bow:


Bulls On Parade...
Aug 23, 2012
Look at this lame with the magazine fanboy articles again...except he ain't gettin paid shyt but in daps (brownie points) from fellow xbots
Then again..them nikkas don't even dap most ya fan girl rages :laff:

Ms charged for wireless dongles
Ms charged for rechargeable battery packs
Ms charges higher than normal for laptop hdd based storage
Ms puts free and paid services behind their paid wall
Ms requires proprietary wireless tech (Sony is guilty of this now as we'll)
More facts
Having BD ROM space doesn't have shyt to with DLC (that's a DotA type conclusion if I never seen one)
PS4 with x86 would never be BC with ps3, same for xbox
Nobody truly gives a fukk about CDs, haven't inserted one in the 4 years I've owned one. Those who buy mp3s will continue to do so, cutting off CDs won't convert anybody

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Nope. As long as I can still download mp3 files from the web browser I don't give a fukk. CDs are a dying format anyway
What the fukk does CD's being a dying format got to do with sony nickel and diming you :wtf:
Can you stick to the subject? I got a rack of movies on my HDD too, and can get any movie I want instantly
I guess if they took away DVD/Blu-ray playback I could survive easily.
Does that mean its not a jack move tho bruh? Especially if they doing it ONLY SO THEY CAN TRY TO TALK YOU INTO PAYING FOR THERE MUSIC SERVICE?
If you think this isn't a sony tactic?

Tell me sir, is your PS3 backwards compatible? :popcorn:
Whole thing sounds like a bunch of paritsan talk points.
Oh yeah, how so :popcorn:


Feb 9, 2013
What the fukk does CD's being a dying format got to do with sony nickel and diming you :wtf:
Can you stick to the subject? I got a rack of movies on my HDD too, and can get any movie I want instantly
I guess if they took away DVD/Blu-ray playback I could survive easily.
Does that mean its not a jack move tho bruh? Especially if they doing it ONLY SO THEY CAN TRY TO TALK YOU INTO PAYING FOR THERE MUSIC SERVICE?
If you think this isn't a sony tactic?

Tell me sir, is your PS3 backwards compatible? :popcorn:

Oh yeah, how so :popcorn:
So when Microsoft 360s needed an adapter for wifi.. :popcorn:

When Microsoft made HD-DVD an add on.. :popcorn:

When Microsoft blocked use of already paid services unless you had Xbox live.. :popcorn:

None of that is nickel and diming? :popcorn:

And try again, I still have the launch PS3 :popcorn: never failed on me, backwards compatible. :umad:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Look at this lame with the magazine fanboy articles again...except he ain't gettin paid shyt but in daps (brownie points) from fellow xbots
Then again..them nikkas don't even dap most ya fan girl rages :laff:

Ms charged for wireless dongles
Ms charged for rechargeable battery packs
Ms charges higher than normal for laptop hdd based storage
Ms puts free and paid services behind their paid wall
Ms requires proprietary wireless tech (Sony is guilty of this now as we'll)
More facts
Having BD ROM space doesn't have shyt to with DLC (that's a DotA type conclusion if I never seen one)
Enter a thread about sony and talk about Microsoft breh :shaq:

I'll play your game, and like usual I'll beat you at it.
Ms charged for wireless dongles? What the fukk does that gotta do with Xbox :what: You trying to create a point so bad that you now talking about PC's :dead: And the dongle is because PC's don't use the tech the xbox uses. Xbox uses something better than bluetooth, thats why smartglass works at all (yet still not good enough this gen)

Ms charges for rechargeable packs?
Did you expect them to give them away for free :wtf:
Sony purposely doesn't have that, not because they like YOU, they like YOU TO BUY A NEW $60 CONTROLLER EVERYTIME YOUR BATTERY DIES. If that is a better solution in your opinion then more power to you.

Charges for laptop based HDD storage :dwillhuh: Not sure who told you that, and you been really stuck on stupid all day today :smh: It uses normal Sata drives, which can be found in desktops as well as laptops. 3cepts felt it was exclusive to PS3 to change out the HDD, but his video should learn you on how W.L.I.M :snoop:

I upgraded my old 20gb HDD to a 120gb HDD that I bought for $20
Also lost in your lying is 2 things. 1.) The HDD you use for sony can be used in laptops :heh: 2.) Sony branded HDD's cost just as much as the Microsoft branded HDD's. You just thought Xbots didn't have the do it yourself option :ufdup:

M$ has services behind there paywall for security reasons. Free isn't all its cracked up to be
And thats your problem, your so worried about free that your willing to give up fair working reliable network play. And lets not forget 77million accounts being hacked, and sony waiting a week before they tell you "yo, your shyt is exposed!!!" None of that would have happened if there was a paywall. What XBL gives to gamers is worth $4 a month. Even if your too dumb to see that

M$ using a proprietary wireless tech is taboo? :camby: Well they using Wi-Fi Direct now, not that any of that has anything to do with this thread tho :umad:

BD-ROM has nothing to do with DLC :wtf: What is DLC bruh? Downloadable Content
Blu-ray makes it so you can fit bigger worlds and shyt all on a single dual layered BD disc
GTA5 is on one disc on PS3, you think they couldn't fit all the DLC they already made before a game drops on to that disc?
Killzone has 6 map packs already for you to BUY as DLC. What was the point of having a BD drive if 99% of the games didn't need it?
Well according to sony, what they sold you on was they was creating games that took advantage of that extra space. Like Little Big Planet!!!
reveals otherwise. Media Molecule's Alex Evans says that "a dual layer is 40GB, but we're filling up the Blu-ray. One of the things on there is we're having a lot of tutorial content
But Little Big Planet is only a little over 1gb and can be downloaded on PSN
Then after the the game wouldn't work properly for the first full year, they rereleased it with DLC and charged $60 for that version :bryan:

So you right, they not nickel and diming. They getting nikkaz for $60 or $600 at a time :whew:
Thanks for clearing that up for us!!!

Lord Scion

Quality Games
Oct 22, 2012
At this point I'm just giving out one stars like hitting random pedestrians in GTA.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
So when Microsoft 360s needed an adapter for wifi.. :popcorn:
Thats not nickel and diming, they made the Xbox as cheap as possible $400 to your $600 PS3
You didn't have to buy WiFI version of the xbox 2yrs later, it was an option. Learn the meaning of the term first jabroni :ufdup:
When Microsoft made HD-DVD an add on.. :popcorn:
We don't need blu-ray this gen for gaming, so your trying to reverse the get move. Sony charged your dumbass $600 for that launch PS3. I got mines too (traded my wii for it) so I paid like $400 for mine.
HD-DVD lost out, so it was the right move. You furious bruh?
When Microsoft blocked use of already paid services unless you had Xbox live.. :popcorn:
Once again, for security reasons. Is PSN even under sony's control anymore, YES or NO?
If the answer is no, now you know why smartguy :facepalm:
None of that is nickel and diming? :popcorn:

And try again, I still have the launch PS3 :popcorn: never failed on me, backwards compatible. :umad:
No its not, but let me show you something about that launch system you paid extra for :heh:
Sony Lied: PS3 Software Backwards-Compatibility Hacked to Run Any Game

by Ryan Rubis - Mar 21, 2013

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    And the award for the most needlessly lengthy post title goes to…

    So here’s a reason to actually jailbreak your PlayStation 3s, apart from being a dirty dirty pirate. Some smart cookies have figured out the encryption on the PS2 Classics emulator and completely reverse-engineered it. What does that mean in human terms? If you own a hackable PS3—and yes this includes ones that didn’t have backwards-compatibility built into the box—through some convoluted process you can now load an ISO dump of any PlayStation 2 title and play it right off the hard drive. According to this completely unofficial compatibility list it looks like it’ll work with some minor glitches on pretty much any title you throw at it.

    I know this is a software emulator and thus prone to weird glitches and whatnot, but really aside from forcing you to re-buy these games you already own is there any legitimate reason Sony just didn’t package this up as a software emulator and let you play your own discs? I literally have three seven-foot stacks of PlayStation 2 discs that are collecting dust in my garage because busting out the PS2 is a pain in the rear. They have no excuse, especially considering Microsoft’s well-intentioned attempt at backwards-compatibility left dozens of titles riddled with bugs (but still inherently playable).
Deez nikkaz been fukking you guys over all along :laff: but I'm a troll for teaching you the truth right?