What ramblings? Go write your savior on 5 Star matches and number counting and he'll have a harsh truth for you if you really think Michaels/Cena got the mainstream attention Battle of the Billionaires did or was biggger than WM 17. International adds on..WM 23 seemed bigger. Before they needed fluffing, WM 17 was the gold standard. And no one in their right mind will ever say Cena/Lesnar/Punk..any of those kind of yahoos are on the Rock level. He makes money in all sorts of media and is basically been the savior of pro wrestling becauase Taker vs Michaels couldn't do it...Cena facing Edge and Big Show? Flop. Cena vs Blandy and HHH? hahaha...Floyd..help us! This crap isn't gonna cut. That was what your beggers was doing. Gave the main spot to Big Show over Cena
Not quite...combination of Rock and Sock, Undertaker returning more than likely but they no one was mad with Benoit getting what he should of got.