In an effort to hate on Ross, people are hating on the entire industry. You're shytting on your favorite rapper to get at Ross.
These rappers have sold more than Ross in the past year and change:
Eminem-Marshall Mathers LP 2 - 2,029,000
Drake-Nothing Was The Same-1,522,000
Jay-Z- Magna Carta Holy Grail -1,113,000 (1million from samsung too)
Kanye West-Yeezus- 636,000
J. Cole-Born Sinner -599,000
Lil Wayne- I Am Not A Human Being II -529,000
Wale- The Gifted -323,000
So if you're not these 7 artists, you're finished. Quit rapping. Does that make any sense to yall? Of course it doesn't. The idea that artists make money off album sales was debunked years and years ago. Yet yall still hold onto the idea that only 10 rappers make money, the rest are broke.