Yea, some sisters do project a lot on this issue. Some go on girl trips all over the place and have sex with the locals or other vacationers, but tell themselves it is not cheating since it happened out of the US. It really is amazing what sort of justifications some people can come up with when they are doing wrong. So that is why I never took seriously the complaints many women have about Passport Bros, because brothers never complained about what they were doing overseas. So really, this is an instance of complete hypocrisy on the part of some women.
Go where you feel you need to be to find love and affection. Just don't be a hypocrite about it. Also, brothers it is better to move in silence. You have seen some women will blow up the scene out of jealousy, and act like this is only being done by the male sex. We are Black men, and any attempt to paint us in a negative light will be amplified by the media. It is just the nature of our existence in the West.