And the baddest chick working at ESPN might be... Molly Qerim.
They wont put these exotic chicks on TV though. They only put the young blondes on for some reason. Think about it.
Jenn Brown is another that hasnt been mentioned....although they'e pretty much relegated her to the Longhorn Net. now.
This @ the bolded. fukk what all yall sayin, i miss mah girl Beadle on Sportsnation. She has something alot of these broads on the air at Espn(and on tv as a whole) don't have...personality. She seems real chill and genuinely funny. Her and Cowherd had good chemistry and i don't like the new chick on there. Sportsnations days are numbered and Beadle gonna be over on NBC cakin.
Even tho Beadles role is the "chick u can have a beer with and talk sports", is cliche. She really does kinda fit that role.
She got in the game late at like 34, so I wont even hate on her for getting a chance finally.
she is from one of the most segregated towns in texas..roanoke..its not racist racist...but i wouldnt wanna interracial date
n she also lived in boerne...where they have klan rallys on the regular
she never has anything positive to say about alot of black athletes..
i wanna see her do what skip did to bosh..have him come on the show n talk...i respected skip 4 that...
You cool breh, but c'mon at the bolded.
Only black athlete she dissed is Vick(for the dog stuff), and Lebron. And I dont even know if she was still hatin on Lebron anymore.
That's two out of dozens of black athletes they praise everyday.
Guess my baby Charissa got the juice now
She's good as hell at hosting, and it seems so easy. I dont know if she'd be a good sideline reporter, but she'll be on GMA or something similar as a host one day for sure.