Ocean air
Thread #3

It's like the whole coli has a JudgeJoe thread counter..
Thread #3
Withdrawls Of Bein A Fiend.Tell that to the bytch that you call a mother. Teeth intact for now but your mental isn't.
Have you seen YOU???Withdrawls Of Bein A Fiend.
Only thing I take is vitamins.Have you seen YOU???
When you don't take good care of yourself health wise.How does this happen to someone below the age of 50?
How does this happen to someone below the age of 50?
Drugs...stimulants. They make you crave sweets and makes you dehydrated,causes dry mouth. . Lean too- has a lot of sugar. Drugs causes teeth grinding too. Basically, if you dont brush your teeth as you should after each meal or 3x a day , drink a lot of water , while on drugs , teeth will rot right out your head. Most people on drugs neglect their appearance bc that withdrawal makes you not want to do - shyt or look for the next high. And stimulants suppress your appetite, along with that, if you're not eating right or the right foods. Lack of calcium and fluid intake,vitamin deficiency. Lot of flabby, skinny and sick under 50 crowd out here. Bad lifestyles.How does this happen to someone below the age of 50?