if Pac can't even convincingly beat a counter puncher in Marquez, what makes anyone thing he can beat a better counter puncher and best defensive fighter of this generation in Mayweather?
This right here is the nut of the damn thing that Pac fans seem to miss - I suspect intentionally. The style of fight Manny has noticeably struggled with is the exact same style Mayweather has perfected. Let's not also forget that Floyd's style is easier to maintain at an older age than Manny's coked-up jack rabbit onslaught.
Some hack sportswriter long ago, no doubt in the grips of a booze binge, with a low-rent prostitute rifling through his wallet in the next room, once said "styles make fights" and damn it, he was right. If you don't believe it, look at the Ali Frazier Foreman triangle for proof.
I hate to say it but Floyd would send Manny back to Manila on a plane loaded down with ice packs, gauze and $1,200/hr stylists so he would be at least somewhat recognizable to his contiuents once he debarked the aircraft.
I'm a Manny fan but reality is reality. As a degenerate, drug addled gambler, I can't afford to vote with my heart. I did it once for McGovern in '72 and look how that turned out.