So...Jeremy Corbyn was recruited by Czech communist intelligence?!?!

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Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Czech intelligence says Corbyn allowed them to evade MI5 detection.

This is what happens when you invest more in the personality, not the policy.
MI5 has been monitoring Corbyn's every move throughout his political career. If there was anything dodgy, it would have been found and acted upon. Instead, he has Privy Council security clearance, which requires signing off by the security services.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
MI5 has been monitoring Corbyn's every move throughout his political career. If there was anything dodgy, it would have been found and acted upon. Instead, he has Privy Council security clearance, which requires signing off by the security services.
In Summer 2017 the former chief of MI6 (1999-2004) said Corbyn was compromised and wouldn't pass a background check.

Thats over 8 months ago before this story came out.

Your man is a fukking agent.

Deal with it.

If Trump had done this, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

Jeremy Corbyn is a danger to this nation. At MI6, which I once led, he wouldn't clear the security vetting
Today, Britain goes to the polls. And frankly, I’m shocked that no one has stood up and said, unambiguously, how profoundly dangerous it would be for the nation if Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister. So let me be clear, the leader of the Labour Party is an old-fashioned international socialist who has forged links with those quite ready to use terror when they haven’t got their way: the IRA, Hizbollah, Hamas. As a result he is completely unfit to govern and Britain would be less safe with him in No 10.

I can give an indication of just how serious this is: if Jeremy Corbyn was applying to join any of this country’s security services – MI5, GCHQ or the service I used to run, MI6 – he would not be cleared to do so. He would be rejected by the vetting process. Far from being able to get into MI5, in the past MI5 would actively have investigated him. And yet this is the man who seeks the very highest office, who hopes in just 24 hours time to run our security services.


Sir Richard Dearlove, former chief of MI6
Young people in Britain have been terribly affected by recent terror attacks. It is only natural that they should be desperately worried about security problems, and to me it is just such a great shame that they don’t understand the political antecedents of the Labour leader. It is these young people, in particular, I am keen to address. I want to explain just what Corbyn’s whole movement has meant.

During the Cold War the groups he associated with hung out in Algeria, and moved between East Germany and North Korea. It is hard, today, to understand the significance of that. When I talk to students about the Cold War, they assume I am just talking about history. But it has a direct bearing on our security today. Only a walk along the armistice line between North and South Korea, with its astonishing military build up, might give some idea of what was at stake.


North Korean forces in April this year, near the border with the South
It is, therefore, a great understatement to say his relationships have been terribly misjudged. Mr Corbyn will say that he sat down with people who were prepared to do violence, but in the name of pursuing peace. And let’s be clear, there’s nothing automatically wrong with negotiating with terrorists who have political agendas. But Mr Corbyn wasn’t negotiating with them, he was hugging them; supporting them. He was an enthusiastic encourager. That must count him out from running the country.

Of course, it’s not just him. The people around him, too, are deeply compromised by their past, by the people they have associated with, encouraged, and seen as political allies. And at a time when we in this nation face a serious security problem, the idea that the security of the nation might rest in the hands of people like this makes me shudder. It’s deeply shocking.


By contrast, we have in Theresa May someone who has a good track record in the Home Office; someone who understands the complexity of security problems; how investigations work, and what needs to be done.

Of course, she has become embroiled in a row about policing numbers. There has been talk of putting 10,000 extra officers on the streets. But this is nakedly political. If you ask professionals in the police they would recognise that creating 10,000 jobs for community policing won’t have a slightest effect on the problem of Islamic terror. Police officers may stop attacks as they happen, as they did so bravely last weekend. But they will not get you to the extreme fringes of the Muslim community. Those fringes are extremely difficult to penetrate. In some ways, we’d do better to recruit 100 theologians, because the answers to extremism are going to come from them, inside the Muslim community.


Armed police near London Bridge
Meanwhile, it is Theresa May who has overseen massive increases in the budgets for the security and intelligence agencies. The benefits from this increase will take time to come through. It’s takes a long time to train intelligence officers. But the benefits will be seen clearly in due course.

All this, it strikes me, should make it perfectly obvious, startlingly obvious, that Jeremy Corbyn represents a clear and present danger to the country. The amazing thing is, there is a degree of vetting once you’ve joined the Cabinet. Were Mr Corbyn to go through that, it would have an impact on the materials he could see. But you can’t vet the Prime Minister. In a democracy there comes a point for security and intelligence services like my own where you can’t pick and choose anymore. You have to serve the government of the day.

So the election of Jeremy Corbyn would put the intelligence services in a very difficult position. It’s unprecedented. It’s a situation that has never been tested before, and it would certainly be a very peculiar situation.


The Pentagon - our most vital intelligence relationships would be threatened
I’m afraid that the truth is that with him in power the country would be less safe. He doesn’t have the experience or the credentials to inspire the confidence of the British people. And it is not just here that questions are rightly being asked. Internationally, our allies are every bit as surprised that someone like this, with his background, is contending for the position of prime minister.

Eventually, and who knows how quickly, that would have to have an impact on most important intelligence sharing relationships, our closest allies would be very worried by his political views. They would draw breath when they looked into his record.

To me this just seems so fundamental, so important. Yet it has not been a dominant theme of the campaign. But now the campaign has ended and Mr Corbyn may potentially be hours from office. That astonishes and frightens me. It is time that someone said, loud and clear: “Come off it, this man isn’t fit for the office.”

Sir Richard Dearlove was Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) from 1999 to 2004

@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
In Summer 2017 the former chief of MI6 (1999-2004) said Corbyn was compromised and wouldn't pass a background check.

Thats over 8 months ago before this story came out.

Your man is a fukking agent.

Deal with it.

If Trump had done this, you'd be screaming bloody murder.

One MI6 guy says it. Who's he an agent for?

MI5 have been all over Corbyn his entire political career. If he'd ever done anything treasonous or dangerous for national security, it would have been exposed and dealt with long ago. He's not part of the Establishment and has no highly-placed protectors, yet here he remains.

And like I said, he's the Leader of the Opposition. He has Privy Council Security Clearance, which requires signing off by the security services.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
@FAH1223 @Son of Sierra Leone @hashmander @ineedsleep212

You know who else lied and obfuscated meeting with "ambassadors"?

Michael Flynn

George Papadopoulos

Jeff Sessions

Donald Trump Jr.

Jeremy Corbyn spied. We have the proof.

If you support him spying, just say so. But there is no further debate about what he did.

@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
@FAH1223 @Son of Sierra Leone @hashmander @ineedsleep212

You know who else lied and obfuscated meeting with "ambassadors"?

Michael Flynn

George Papadopoulos

Jeff Sessions

Donald Trump Jr.

Jeremy Corbyn spied. We have the proof.

If you support him spying, just say so. But there is no further debate about what he did.

Flynn resigned after 20 days after lying. DJT Jr. isn't in government. Sessions recused himself. Papadopoulos lied to the FBI.

Bears repeating.
MI5 have been all over Corbyn his entire political career. If he'd ever done anything treasonous or dangerous for national security, it would have been exposed and dealt with long ago. He's not part of the Establishment and has no highly-placed protectors, yet here he remains.

And like I said, he's the Leader of the Opposition. He has Privy Council Security Clearance, which requires signing off by the security services.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

One MI6 guy says it. Who's he an agent for?

MI5 have been all over Corbyn his entire political career. If he'd ever done anything treasonous or dangerous for national security, it would have been exposed and dealt with long ago. He's not part of the Establishment and has no highly-placed protectors, yet here he remains.

And like I said, he's the Leader of the Opposition. He has Privy Council Security Clearance, which requires signing off by the security services.

Thats not how espionage cases work.

There are numerous incidents of MPs, executive officials and members of congress who were acting as agents but charges weren't filed:

Harry Dexter White - Wikipedia

Alger Hiss - Wikipedia

Elizabeth Bentley - Wikipedia

Heres a few British ones:

Mike Hancock (British politician) - Wikipedia

Melita Norwood - Wikipedia

John Alexander Symonds - Wikipedia

Arthur Wynn - Wikipedia

Not every spy gets prosecuted because courts hate revealing espionage methods in court:

Why doesn't the FBI prosecute more spies?

Don’t Expect Indictments Soon in Russia Probe: When Counterintelligence and Prosecutorial Interests Meet

Even the Washington Post last week said that there was an incident where MI6 warned the FBI that a potential Vice President candidate was spying for the Russians

New details on dossier's path to FBI

The more politically elevated, the harder it is to prosecute these high level spies.

You are FUNCTIONALLY wrong on every. fukking. point.

Intelligence agencies just sit there and wait and collect intelligence on unwitting agents. Thats how this shyt works in the West. They only arrest the people who do real damage. i.e Ames, Hanssen, etc.

This 1984 NYTimes article talks about all the times the FBI refuses to prosecute known spies because of legal complications with court discovery and civil oversight: U.S. FOUND TO BREED MANY SPIES, BUT EVEN MORE AREN'T PROSECUTED

@Regular_P @JahFocus CS @Son of Sierra Leone @jerry wilcox @ineedsleep212 @hashmander @Paper Boi @MikeyC
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
@FAH1223 you gotta be fukking retarded son. This ain't the Middle East. This ain't Asia. This ai't Russia. We don't summarily execute spies. We follow, track, and give the their day in court. And when its too cumbersome to do that, we just let it slide because we know the hassle it would cause.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Goddamn...this dude really thinks the Brits would prosecute every single spy.

Remember, they literally had a press conference with Kim Philby before he actually defected.

THEY KNEW he was a spy, but our system of government gives the accused way more rights and legal loopholes to escape justice.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
@FAH1223 everyone calling Trump out for his whole squad being rife with Russian spies is a right wing troll now? Word?

Think about what you're saying.

Corbyn got caught and this is a BAD look.


If you think what he did was OK, then just say so.

But he was spying for a repressive communist regime.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
@FAH1223 you won't win this one.

You fukked up thinking you knew more about how this shyt works than I do.

You can't challenge those lines of evidence. If all you've got is "well he wasn't arrested"...yeah, you fukking lost.

Corbyn was engaging in treason. Knowingly.
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