The Great One
Swag Surfin
While rumors continue to make the rounds on the internet that TNA founder and longtime pro wrestling star Jeff Jarrett is working on a potential new pro wrestling promotion, Jarrett continues to remain tight-lipped regarding actual specifics.
"Double J" noted via his official Twitter account a couple of weeks ago that he spent three days in Los Angeles to take a number of business-related meetings. When Jarrett returned home from the L.A. trip, he tweeted, "Back in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Great three days in Hollywood. Time to analyze, digest all the info, and make some decisions."
We noted a week ago that Jarrett was reportedly scouting talent for the potential project, a fact Jarrett confirmed with a tweet on January 23rd that read, "Spent the morning doing one of the things I really love about this business. Watching good independent talent. There is a LOT out there."
That same day, Jarrett's wife Karen noted on her verified Twitter account, "First thing tomorrow looking for office space. I am so excited!"
Jarrett himself continues to post tweets on his official Twitter account regarding talent scouting, including one where he re-tweeted Smith Hart, the oldest son of wrestling legend Stu Hart, and brother to WWE Hall Of Famer Bret "The Hitman" Hart, which stated, "Jeff Jarrett will be doing a talent evaluation seminar with @3AWrestling in March. Opportunities like this are rare."
Our friends at sent word that while Jarrett declined an interview request from them this week, he did note in an e-mail to them, “I can tell you I'm making good progress, so, stay tuned!”
Elaine Schock, who is the publicist of country music star Toby Keith, who is rumored to be involved with the project, noted to Newsday, "I still have not heard anything that I can confirm."
Keith is a longtime pro wrestling fan who has appeared for TNA Wrestling in the past, and was even rumored to be meeting with TNA officials late last year in regards to possibly buying the promotion.
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Karen's sexy ass got herself an office

Double J talent evaluation seminars

Smith Hart