Ok let's play devils advocate,u got women who are dumb and women who are ho's....females who open they legs to anybody when they horny...and women who are just stupid and won't let anybody hit,but she falls in love easily and if u play the fake romantic shyt,say the obvious bullshyt lines about how she's special,she falls for it...falls for shyt any chick wit sense knows is game.
I coulda bought her just bein a stupid chick in love if she got there,dude fuked her and played her and I wouldna been mad at Javelle but woulda acknowledged he mighta did her wrong...the story seems cold blooded on Javelles part possibly...then she fukks him a 2nd time after being disrespected.....then this HO fuks him a 3rd time after he straight shyts on her as a human being and woman

...THIRD time nikka.
How do u not possibly see she wuz reachin hard because he wuz Javelle Mcgee....how many nikkas u think she would allow to treat her like that

and fuk them 3 times like a desperate bytch?
I got a feeling we might see this thread again real soon with Javelle takin a loss....she refused to turn down oppurtunitys to get pregnant no matter how disrespected she wuz or felt...this could be how javelle treats all women so this might not be "pimpin" to him,he may just not be what u call a gentleman...but SHE felt disrespected and put a price on the puzzy...she a ho mane