Drinks Blood from a Boot
Dude I know you're just some clown ass troll who gets no respect here...But i asked initially:
"Whats the data speed like? I pay 120 a month for 4g of data and unlimited talk and text on a GS3 with Verizon. I don't mind paying that much cause I consistently get these speeds"
To which I got the response:
"But why would you need that unless you was using your phone as your home internet as well?"
I dont know the average speeds on other carriers besides my LTE speed on Verizon. I was just trying to ask initially what the average data speed was in the first place.
The question is odd, because what are the speeds... wait, you mean via speedtest?
How da fukk should I know? All I know is you get the hspa+ speeds which I believe is higher than LTE speed wise.
You should look up those two types of wireless and see whats faster... you'd think I wouldn't have to say such a thing but... there I go being the a$$hole for assuming again

Here, I'll be a nice guy and look that up for you...,
T-Mobile's HSPA+ 42Mbps network faster than Verizon's 4G LTE in 11 cities
Now as I was telling this other podcast guy in a previous conversation in another thread.
The "speeds" are bullshyt. 4g/3g/lte.. its all buzzwords. There is no industry standard for those speeds to reach.
So as you can see, each provider is better than the other in different parts of the country except for sprint which is do do
Straight Talk uses the best of Verizon & ATT's networks. Like, how can one hate on this unless they were stupid? Or a nicer way of saying it would be, ignorant to these FACTS
Any other questions? I'm here all daaaaaaaaaaaaang, gotta go