One of my best friends in real life was never an internet type nikka. Didn't really post on forums, never really used twitter he has IG for personal friends and post his pics but that's it. Recently this nikka been telling me all about that Red Pill shyt. It started with Kevin Samuels and he's fallen all the way down the rabbit hole to Alpha male strategies. Then a lot of the women (especially educated ones) I talked to are jumping on that twitter "nikkas" ain't shyt rhetoric. All of this divisive internet shyt is legit turning into real life. The future might be bleak.i can’t lie. I used to be mad, but it seems a lot of black men and women don’t get along anymore as. And based on what I see online, perhaps this is the results.
To contrast how divisive all that shyt is. I have an Indian friend and sometimes hang out with his Indian circle of friends. They literally all are friends, take vacations together, get money together. All date within their race. No divisiveness. There's usual drama and gossip but they do genuinely still live, love, and support each other. I hung out with my Indian friends and his friend and seen some of the wild shyt they do and hear some of the stories and was like damn I never knew ya'll get down like that. One of my million dollar ideas way back in the day was a white version of worldstarhiphop. But then it dawned on me us as black people are the only race it seems where damn near every aspect of us is out for everyone's entertainment and for sale.
This is a biased view. About 7% of the US population uses twitter, yet we allow it to completely warp what we think most people believe or act like. In real life, most black men marry black women. That's just a fact. And while higher earning black men are more likely to date outside their race than lower income black men, overall the majority of higher income black men marry black women as well.
There is no war or real tension between black men and women, beyond the typical struggles that go on between all men and women.
I really want to believe this. And hopefully my experience I mentioned above is just my personal anecdote. But this divisive shyt needs to stop.