So I just started lifting weights...

Roberto Dinero

Dropped from #TnT
May 5, 2012
The Infamous World's End Houses

Too much epic fail in one post. So wait there, you want to get stronger/more ripped using feather duster dumb bells. On a level there is no excuse for not getting a gym membership, don''t be a TRAMP... them council gyms (pulse point centres) are peanuts to join.

You doing yourself a major disservice by adhering to the current regime. You ain't going to get stronger/ripped (which is predominantly diet related) peddling p*ssyboi 5KG dumbells from Argos :mjlol:

Read & Heed (Future Blue Print To A Bigger Better You) This Below When You Ready ;

If you want to get STRONG /RIPPED (in due time as you currently haven't got enough lean body mass to cut on yet..I saw your pic in TLR) you need to focus on compound lifts that allow you to lift the most weight with the most muscles (squats, bench, military press, deadlift, rows, etc). The reason for this is because as a novice trainee you need to stimulate your body to release as much testosterone as possible, & the studies have shown that maximum tension (weight) on the biggest muscles is the best way to do it.

You'll immediately (2-4 weeks in) see some big differences. The reps are lower, and you start each day with a heavy compound lift. After that you do other movements that hit lots of different muscles in a strategic way. Instead of wailing on a single area for a whole session, leaving you sore for days afterwards, you'll switch around a bit between different muscles. You'll still do the same amount of work on a given muscle, but it will be split up throughout the week. This gives you better results without leaving you so sore in specific places that you're in pain for days afterwards.

Now that you'll be training like a beast, you need to eat like a beast. It's time to get the calories in. Healthy eating is always better, but many people find they have trouble reaching their calorie and size goals if they only eat healthy foods. If that's the case, then feel free to toss in some not so healthy foods to fill out your calorie count. Either way, eat more than you are know, and get stronger by either using more weight or doing more reps every time you do a movement (if possible), and you'll be happy as a clam when you look in the mirror in a few months.....Take advantage of this winter season & Bulk hard FuKK the haters & sceptics, put on some size & trim down later, no point doing all that cardio now with nothing underneath to reveal... you going to end up looking skinny fat as fukk with a frail posture.

Good luck

Those dumbbells are not 5 kg tops though. I just wanted to start a little slow for like a week then step it up, then step it up to 15 to 20 kg for each dumbbell. I really can't afford a gym membership at the moment and a gym isn't even really necessary to work out. They have a lot of better machines but other than that, I don't feel I need to join a gym. I already go to a gym but its to use the swimming pool. I swim everyday so that's part of my cardio.

But thanks for the input anyway.

Let me ask u @Roberto Dinero.... whens the last time u saw a dude the size u want to be benching/curling/doing ANYTHING with 5kg dumbbells..........

I already mentioned several times that 5 kg is just to get started, I will definitely step up the weight in the next few days.