^this is whats gonna happen if u meet up with her smh
dead this immediately

Best thing to do at this point is make up some ultra-dramatic shyt that gives her closure and gets you off the hook.
Tell her you found out you had bone cancer and you didn't want her to see you wither away during treatments. Tell her at one point they thought they had to amputate your leg, and that it wasn't fair to her to be tied down to you, etc... Tell her now that you've tasted death, you've come to a place in life where you don't think you want to be in a relationship with *anyone*, because you know now that it will ultimately end in loss. That will put to bed her notion that her real ex was fukking around, and she'll be free to move on to the next phase of her life, while simultaneously keeping you out of jail.
Like GL said she might be a minor. And someone else said she was gonna verify if I'm dude or not
I told her she had the wrong number
But this is definitely not duck tales
Sorry fellas