Arrived to Zurich yesterday morning.
Today, for no fukkin reason fukkin two plain clothes white cops stopped me and started interrogating me as I just walking around Zurich.
They started talking to me I guess in German, I said I only speak english & french.
So they start talking to me in english, they asked me for ID, I gave these fukkers IDs.
But my ID was not enough because it wasn't my passport, I left my passport in my airbnd because if I bring it with me i may lose it.
I asked them why you stop me? they said we are looking for someone that looks like you.
So I give other forms of ID which they said is insufficient.
So these fukkers brought me to the zurich police station.
These fukkers took a scan of my credit card and my medical card and took my fukkin finger prints.
I was arguing the shyt with them as everything they were saying was sketch.
They were asking me completely irrelevant questions.
Later they wanted to go back inside the office, I asked them where you going?
They said why? Going back to my desk.
I said so your search ended with me? What about the guy you said looks like me?
Fukk dat shyt, i'm big brownman, they fukking chose me.
I almost punched one of the cop in his face with all them irrelevant questions.
And why fukkin scan a fukkin credit card????????????????????
Fukkin white cops are evil accross the fukkin planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!