I just don't get the apeal.....
its been the same game since like halo2 breh... they add guns for yall then take em away then add em again and call it having "more weapons"..you shoot the same weak ass midgt aliens..and take the down the same big ass ones woth the forcields around em...
I agreed with you until reach came out, Reach was a beast. Campaign was beyond EPIC. Multiplayer from a visual standpoint is nothing special
Gameplay is not fantastic, but above average.
And the options, and modes are what made this latest Halo really Standout.
Halo 4 will actually have new enemies, taller ones too. Better graphics
And content that will never end, including having us go thru seasons of daily content. I'm sorry, but that sounds amazing for any game, let alone a fukking shooter
Damn breh this is my trolling material!
Since you play Halo more than you do Unpolished, it doesn't really work for you anymore

yea playing halo reach is just like playin halo 2,3 and odst
I was gonna write the same shyt... just couldn't decide which sarcastic smiley I wanted to use
you've already expressed your horrible thoughts so now kick rocks. Anything more from u is consider hating...
BTW brehs, i jut popped that shyt in and did the first 15 mins of the mission before you get to the new planet and 
this game is gonna live up to what we all hoped reach was. It actually feels like a Halo game.
No I'm confused. Reach was the best Halo since Halo 1 imo. And it was made by Bungie, and they called it there fairwell Halo game and it lived up to it big time campaign wise. The online should of been more, but at the same time I didn't buy all the map packs. Map Packs are really killing off games.
I got Elite for COD (thanks again whoever you were) and if I didn't have all the maps? I'd never play the game probably. I'm not buying map packs for every game. shyt, anygame really. And if you don't, then that game will not be as fun.

Now you say you like this game because its not like Reach
It better not be like Halo 3, or I'll have to pass...
didn't even know a new halo was coming out. They are not advertising hard like they should.
Don't think they really need to. Its Halo, they don't have problems selling millions of copies day one. There will be a marketing blitz by next week if not already...
Ahh,i wasn't into Halo 2,had a PS2. I didnt enter the Halo franchise until Halo 3....My wife putting me up on it and the xbox 360. But i did manage to go back and play Halo 2 which was a fun game. But for me,Halo 3 is the GOAT out of the series...Also i wasnt into pirated games for consoles as i never had a modded/flash drive so news of games being leaked was basically invisible and irrelevant to me.
Halo 3 is considered the worst by many critics. Its the game that turned me off the series to be honest. But I never played thru the campaign, and I wasn't really feeling the multiplayer which is odd. Because I LOVED it during the beta...